Brakus71: same here. just bought the game @GOG yesterday, let it download overnight....stuck at 92%! restarted the launcher....saw some progress in downloading, still 92% though.......restarted the launcher again, now it goes to 97% bevore it freezes. restarted two more times, got finally 100%.
now when launching the game im gettint a "data mismatch error"* with the hint i should delete any mods or old data (from early access), yeah, well, nothing there since it s a fresh install!
Support-ticket opened with the only response it could be days because of high :/
how does refund work? never done before....
*Info from the "altered txt file": Version: Platform: galaxy ------------------------- Altered/Added files 1 29b82aca0753605b7b19ad22b02f7b92 ------------------------- Files in Mods folder 0 Version
how could this be, besides it got corrupted with the several download-attempts?!
cant post this at Larians since: "We Encountered A Problem. The email for this account has not yet been verified." ...yea, i dont get any email to confirm mine..... :/
The mismatch is the file '29b82aca0753605b7b19ad22b02f7b92' delete that and you'll be fine. it's the hash file from the download as far as I can tell.