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Install is stuck at 92%, less than 0.1Gb left to download. I've seen another thread for this very problem marked as SOLVED but the solution there amounts to tricking the downloader to think it has finished, but that solution causes other problems since the game is not actually fully installed.

I've opened a support ticket and will post any reply I get here, but the bottom line is GOG needs to fix this issue (not the first time something like this happens to games I buy on GOG). If this continues I will prob ask for a refound and get the game on Steam or something.

Whatever happens not buying a launch game on GOG anymore, tired of this shit.
No posts in this topic were marked as the solution yet. If you can help, add your reply
My install is also stuck at 92%, has been for over over 25 hours now. So disappointed, do not buy the game from here.
Same. They have some advice on their FAQ that says to close GOG Galaxy and reopen it. I did that and then it just got stuck at 92% again.

I even completely wiped everything out and tried again from scratch. It's still stuck at 92%.
Mine was stuck at 92% this morning, at 105.99/106.00 GB.

I just tried again, closing and reopening Galaxy, and after it loaded the file list it said it was at 105.99/106.26 GB, and claimed to be at 91.6%. It downloaded until it hit 106.25/106.26 GB and it . . . stopped. It is stuck at 92% exactly again. Even though the file size has changed.

It was actually downloading too, I was watching it through Task Manager. Once it hit 92% though, it stopped again.

The thread above is not solved, contrary to the misleading title. So, I'm posting here. How is it that the biggest release on the store front can't even be downloaded? Worse, why is there no customer support in these threads?
I'm having the same annoying problem. I've tried to stop and resume the download, to abort it and restart from the begin, I've changed the bandwidth limit...nothing has worked. Eventually I've opened a support ticket..let's hope GOG will notice that many users are falling into this issue and fixes it
took me the whole day to dl this using my mobile data plan, what pisses me off the most is that at first i wanted to get this game on steam but thought that it would have been nice to show GOG my appreciation for all the great old games i got super cheap over the years and, in return, I get this s**t. No help from their support team whatsover, people are just trying to figure out by themselves how to trick the installer to get past 92%. Asked for a refund and will get this on Steam, will never ever buy anything on this platform, struggling with somehing as trivial as a digital download in 2023 is laughable to say the least.
Post edited August 12, 2023 by garba
I was excited to play the game, the "solution" worked fine but when I tried to launch the game as soon as it reached 100% it closed. First and last time I buy from GOG. I am seriously thinking of asking for a refund.
I bought this game back in october 2020, a couple of weeks after it was released but I did't have the time to play it and when I did I realized it was early acces so I thougth to wait until full release... Imagine waiting almost 3 years to play it and find it stuck at 92% installation! I can no longer ask for a refund because it's been more than 30 days since I bought this game. This is so disappointing, GOG's support on this issue has been abysmal.
DapozU: I bought this game back in october 2020, a couple of weeks after it was released but I did't have the time to play it and when I did I realized it was early acces so I thougth to wait until full release... Imagine waiting almost 3 years to play it and find it stuck at 92% installation! I can no longer ask for a refund because it's been more than 30 days since I bought this game. This is so disappointing, GOG's support on this issue has been abysmal.
Back in they day they would have either said something in the thread or make a new post. I am really disappointed at GOG.
I was having this issue last night, to get around it I just downloaded the offline installer under the extra's tab and installed it that way. Worked flawlessly, then did a 'check for update'. Updated and now it's running.

Did have a data mismatch though had to delete the 'eula.txt' file and the '' file from the game directory and that fixed that.

Good luck
I bought the early access and everything was good. Then when the final release went out I installed it without problems. But I was unsatisfied because it runs slower then the early access version. I tried out to change settings but nothing changed (I know this is not GOG fault).
Then I decided to reinstall everything because I did not deleted the app folder as suggested by the forums.
And know I'm stuck at 92%! Why did it worked the first time?
I'm very disappointed! I've been waiting for two days and also open a ticket.
Post edited August 12, 2023 by Aznerot
I installed the game using the 92% install work around then the game crashed far too often. I used verify /repair ran into the same problem 92% stuck on install. Tried to download without installing from GOG and to use a backup to install. Can not get backups downloads from GOG.
same here. just bought the game @GOG yesterday, let it download overnight....stuck at 92%! restarted the launcher....saw some progress in downloading, still 92% though.......restarted the launcher again, now it goes to 97% bevore it freezes. restarted two more times, got finally 100%.

now when launching the game im gettint a "data mismatch error"* with the hint i should delete any mods or old data (from early access), yeah, well, nothing there since it s a fresh install!

Support-ticket opened with the only response it could be days because of high :/

how does refund work? never done before....

*Info from the "altered txt file": Version: Platform: galaxy ------------------------- Altered/Added files 1 29b82aca0753605b7b19ad22b02f7b92 ------------------------- Files in Mods folder 0 Version

how could this be, besides it got corrupted with the several download-attempts?!

cant post this at Larians since: "We Encountered A Problem. The email for this account has not yet been verified." ...yea, i dont get any email to confirm mine..... :/
Post edited August 12, 2023 by Brakus71
Brakus71: same here. just bought the game @GOG yesterday, let it download overnight....stuck at 92%! restarted the launcher....saw some progress in downloading, still 92% though.......restarted the launcher again, now it goes to 97% bevore it freezes. restarted two more times, got finally 100%.

now when launching the game im gettint a "data mismatch error"* with the hint i should delete any mods or old data (from early access), yeah, well, nothing there since it s a fresh install!

Support-ticket opened with the only response it could be days because of high :/

how does refund work? never done before....

*Info from the "altered txt file": Version: Platform: galaxy ------------------------- Altered/Added files 1 29b82aca0753605b7b19ad22b02f7b92 ------------------------- Files in Mods folder 0 Version

how could this be, besides it got corrupted with the several download-attempts?!

cant post this at Larians since: "We Encountered A Problem. The email for this account has not yet been verified." ...yea, i dont get any email to confirm mine..... :/
The mismatch is the file '29b82aca0753605b7b19ad22b02f7b92' delete that and you'll be fine. it's the hash file from the download as far as I can tell.