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Everything just works fine, but in my opinion it was unneccasary to even develop such a launcher.
Disclaimer: I have not read all the other posts - most likely, all this things have already been mentioned by other users - but here are my votes: ;-)

- Good: On a PC without Internet connection there is a dialog box that says, Galaxy Updater could not download metadata. After clicking OK, the GOG launcher starts in offline-mode. Looks like a good solution to me - the user gets the info that he/she is not online and offline functionality starts up.
- Good: GOG Launcher includes option to contact support (if you are online - direct link to support page of the game!
- Would be nice: An option to save the username/password in GOG launcher (if it needs it) would be nice, so it is up to the user if he/she wants to enter the password everytime (e.g. for security purposes)... Currently, the launcher asks for username/password only once.
- Question: Will GOG launchers be mandatory for all games in the future? On one hand, the automated updater functionality is nice and handy, but on the other hand I would prefer to still launch games directly and decide myself, if I want it to be updated or not (for single player functionality). Bottom line: I would prefer to have the option to install a game without any launcher app (thus maybe sacrificing multiplayer functionality).
- Good: Uninstall of Galaxy-Client and AvP went smoothly.

Thanks for the ride! :-)
MikeMaximus: Everything worked great from my short amount of testing so far, the client and the game itself.

I will have to echo the comments about the C++ Runtime install being quite annoying. Hopefully it can be made a silent install and only do it during the installation of the client and not yet again in the launcher.
Same here.
Launcher works fine, nothing too intrusive.

It launched, I logged in, it did a 25MB update and I could play the game just fine.
Everything works fine for me, but I'm so used to Steam downloading updates in the background that the minor waits for updates when launching the game feel kind of annoying.
Had some problems to start with.

On the first launch, the galaxy dialog box came up blank. I closed it and restarted it, logged in, updating the program. Closed it and restarted it - came up with a blank box again and got closed.

I then started the client, logged in, and fired up the game. It worked fine, but could not find any online sessions. I then hosted a session which seemed to work. I left it to run for some time, but no players entered, so i closed it.

I was about to give up when suddenly some online sessions popped up. The first attempt at joining did not go well, and ended with an error. My second attempt went much better, entered a match with 4-5 players that worked without a problem, until the motion-sickness forced me to quit the game :p.
I hope this isn't a double-post, but for those of us with QHD screens and above, the Launcher looks tiny - suggest scaling it based on OS font-size
Worked nice and fast for me.
Can't say as I'm very impressed. Even for a first pass beta, this seems pretty badly done.

When I hit the play button, it turns pale briefly, then returns to bright green without launching the game, or even doing anything at all - no errors, no messages, nothing. The same happens in both offline and online mode.

The game will not even start when using the alternate menu item directly to the game. This time I get an error: missing XINPUT1_3.dll I have checked DXDIAG and it reports no problems, and every other game I have which requires DX9 runs with no issues whatsoever. (And no, I will not waste my time downloading a DirectX install just to fix a problem which you were supposed to have already taken care of in the install files. One of the main reasons for buying through GOG is to avoid the annoying hassle of making these games work - that is your job.)

Other thoughts:

+ The lack of installation control is appalling. I know this is a first attempt, but install location is probably the most fundamental thing to include. If you do not plan that from ***DAY 1***, then you are just making unnecessary work and trouble for yourself later.

+ There is no way to switch back to offline mode after logging in once. Seems like that should have been pretty obvious.

+ Why is the launcher embedded in the game installer without any notice about what it is doing? This should be an entirely separate install, not included in any game. I seriously hope this is not packaged with all game downloads in the future. You claim the launcher/login/online modes will be completely optional - so MAKE IT OPTIONAL.

+ Why do both the game installer and the launcher install the C++ runtimes? And why do they install both the x86 and x64 versions? And possibly most importantly, why do they do this installed if both are already installed?

+ Why is the shortcut for the launcher name like it is for the game? It should be named "AvP Launcher" or something similar to make sure there is no confusion with the actual game.
Not sure if anyone @GOG is interested in feedback on Linux/wine as the platform is not officially supported:

After start the installer (version hangs for a very long time, doing nothing. Eventually it installs the game (with some error messages). The game update mechanism seems to work, at least it tells me the game is up to date. Starting the game also works, but the multiplayer mode fails to initialize. For now I'm not going to check logs and open tickets until someone from GOG states that they are interested in feedback from Linux installations too.

Not that I expected the multiplayer mode to work on Linux, but at least I tried. :P Thanks anyway for the free singleplayer part of the game. :) Maybe some day multiplayer mode will work on Linux too.

Edit: That was fast, multiplayer mode works for me now, but seems to be very fragile. The game only starts now and then and when I leave a multiplayer match the whole game freezes and has to be killed manually.
Post edited October 22, 2014 by eiii
PhotoRob: I will not waste my time downloading a DirectX install just to fix a problem which you were supposed to have already taken care of in the install files. One of the main reasons for buying through GOG is to avoid the annoying hassle of making these games work - that is your job.
Game is working fine for the vast majority of users, so GOG did its job. That a game isn't running on a specific system (for whatever reason) can happen with PC games.

PhotoRob: + The lack of installation control is appalling. I know this is a first attempt, but install location is probably the most fundamental thing to include. If you do not plan that from ***DAY 1***, then you are just making unnecessary work and trouble for yourself later.
100% agree!

PhotoRob: + There is no way to switch back to offline mode after logging in once. Seems like that should have been pretty obvious.
As far as I know, the game is always offline, except when you start the launcher or hit "multiplayer". From what I've heard so far, offline PCs could start the launcher and the game without any problems.

PhotoRob: + Why is the launcher embedded in the game installer without any notice about what it is doing? This should be an entirely separate install, not included in any game. I seriously hope this is not packaged with all game downloads in the future. You claim the launcher/login/online modes will be completely optional - so MAKE IT OPTIONAL.
Well... You've signed up for a AvP 2000 Galaxy multiplayer BETA and not for a free offline game. The regular (offline) game isn't released yet.

PhotoRob: + Why do both the game installer and the launcher install the C++ runtimes? And why do they install both the x86 and x64 versions? And possibly most importantly, why do they do this installed if both are already installed?
I think that GOG built its installer with a newer version than the one that Rebellion used for this 14 years old game O.O x86 and x64 version is a strange thing though...

PhotoRob: + Why is the shortcut for the launcher name like it is for the game? It should be named "AvP Launcher" or something similar to make sure there is no confusion with the actual game.
The game is "AvP_Classic.exe" (look into the game's folder) and the launcher is "GalaxyClient.exe" (the client's folder). The two shortcuts you have ("Aliens vs Predator Classic 2000 - Galaxy Client" and "Aliens vs Predator Classic 2000") have the same target:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\GalaxyClient\GalaxyClient.exe" /gameId=1207665883 /command=launch /path="C:\your\installation\path\AvP Classic"
Why GOG included two shortcuts for the same command, is beyond me. That they didn't throw a shortcut for the Galaxy-less offline game on our desktops, is understandable. They want us to do what we signed up for: test the launcher and the multiplayer ;)
Upon start the launcher updated, and I could play the MP just fine
Somewhat surprised that the launcher was bundled in the game download. Long-term that would make all downloads bigger than necessary and be a pain to update all games whenever you update the launcher. Also, I looked around for quite a while trying to find the launcher download, not knowing I already had it (embedded in the game installer).

Perhaps you already have other plans once you are out of beta, and figured that for one game it was easiest this way.

Launcher and game installed, patched, and launched without any problems.
I wouldn't have expected the multiplayer mode to run on Linux, but it runs quite well for a beta version. Congrats for the good job, well done! That's the way to introduce new features, not like the new web site. Keep up the good work, iron out the stability issues and maybe accept the challenge to make Linux a fully supported platform for the Galaxy client from the start. ;)

Now for the feedback:

- Please add an option for the Galaxy client to not permanently store the GOG password or any credentials which allow to access the GOG account. At least add a logout button to explicitly delete the credentials. I rather would type in my password on every start-up than allowing it to be permanently stored on a Windows (like) system.

- Why isn't the multiplayer mode using the player name from the player profile in the game? Please use the player name from the game profile or at least add an option to set the multiplayer nick name independently from the GOG login.
The launcher continues to create the AvP shortcut on my desktop, I have deleted it twice now.