southern: You have my permission to restart. The game should be about what people intended to do, not what they did by accident or mis-seeing something.
I gratefully accept your offer.
I've replayed my turn as best as I could remember, except I don't attack 3v9 and I advance forward toward the tower instead of running back the other way because someone was sitting in the fog of war.
Bookwyrm627: I've walked this corridor before. There are no webs, no blacked out terrain. I checked every single hex within 3 hexes of that tower just to see if maybe I can't see something that redirected my path, and it is only when I target the tower's actual hex that my guys wanted to run somewhere else.
southern: It's one of Mimo's Rogues, I think. He is insanely irritating to play against even by accident and when you can't see him. Just as well I have Stockholm Syndrome over it. Actually, this feature of the game can allow you to detect invis/concealed units at a great distance.
Turns out I'm an idiot, and didn't pay close enough attention when rechecking the pathing to each individual hex after suiciding my heroes like an epic moron. There was indeed a unit blocking the path to the tower.
Being able to detect units like this is kind of neat, now that I know it is there. Not very nice design, but it might be useful as long as I remember never, ever to double click to move.
southern: Also, thanks for reminding me to check the hotkeys for this game. I think I have grid always on (sharp hex terrain), looks ugly. Unless there's also a lined grid overlay?
Yeah, there's a grid overlay if you press F4.
Mimo: Very magnanimous. Not being sarcastic, being quite serious.
Also agreed, since this is a case where I should know better.
One last question for the moment: if a hero is dominated in combat by a player who is already at the hero limit, what happens to the newly dominated hero? Is it impossible to dominate the hero? Does the hero vanish at the end of combat?