Posted July 01, 2020

- replace "AoWEPACK.xpl" with "+\+EPACK.xpl"
- replace "AoWTCPCK.xpl" with "+\+TCPCK.xpl"
- replace "AoWTools.xpl" with "+\+Tools.xpl"
Then also rename the xpl files accordingly, i.e. "AoWEPACK.xpl" to "+EPACK.xpl" and so on, and move them to the "+" directory (where the campaign folder is). Then see if you can run the game.
Make sure you completely remove all v1.42 files before you do this, and also make sure that you only replace bytes, not add any.

Regarding mana balance, the current system is a work in progress. There's a number of things I'm trying to achieve, and I haven't yet figured out the best way to combine them:
- Elemental nodes should have a progression that rewards focussing on few spheres, e.g. exponential or with an offset.
- Generic nodes should still have non-insignificant income.
- Players shouldn't easily amass a huge mana surplus.
The main problem with all of this is the mana income from leaders/heroes. This is usually the only income in the very early game, so it shouldn't be negligible. But if you have a leader with Spellcasting IV and a hero with Spellcasting III, a progression of 5-10-15-20-25 already nets you 35 mana each turn which is quite a lot. In this case, a generic node giving only 5 mana would clearly be too little, but a higher value would result in an overall too high income if you have several nodes.
With v1.42 I attempted to circumvent this issue by reducing mana income from all sources as well as halving spell cost (though not upkeep or research) but it's clearly not a very popular change, and now that I've actually played v1.42 a bit I must say I'm not too happy with it either. I also acknowledge that messing with spell costs is a potential balance concern for any custom HSS.
If anyone has any bright ideas how to resolve this, I'm all ears.

- Ignition chance is one thing I had briefly looked into before; there's actually a function called AoWE.IgnitionChance so I thought "well this seems trivial" and haven't bothered with it since. Looking at it again it seems there are a bunch of fixed values ranging from 0 to 80 that get assigned according to terrain, but there's also two instances where the base chance is increased by 5 depending on conditions that aren't entirely clear to me, so we're potentially looking at a range of 0..90 here. This seems to indicate an actual percentage, though I'm not entirely certain about this either. If it is a percentage, and I simply multiply IgnitionChance by a fixed value, this may cause previously distinct values to all behave as a 100% chance, which I'm not sure is desirable. Though I guess I could simply do that for the next version, and if it's too much I can tone it done later.
- Movement cost is something I have for a long time wanted to change myself, but so far I have been unable to figure out where this is defined.
- I can definitely reduce base vision range by 1. After all, v1.50 will have even further reduced vision for the basic units.
- The way I understand it, the chance for Fire Strike to cause Burning is determined by the stats; i.e. if the attack connects (and the target has no Fire Protection/Immunity) then it causes Burning. Is this not correct?
I'm not really a programmer; I have a rudimentary understanding of the basics since most of it is just applied logic, but that's about it.
I got AoW as part of a games collection a year or so after the initial release; it was the only TBS I enjoyed at the time because the need for micro-management didn't increase exponentially like in e.g. Civilization or Master of Orion, and on top of that AoW had more variety between the factions. Over time I ended up comparing any new strategy games to AoW, and apart from EU2/FTG they all fell short, so I just stuck with AoW.
Post edited July 01, 2020 by And G