It is a cardinal sin that this was never released to PC while Bad Company 2 did. The campaign upends the traditional military movie with a group of misfits taking down a mercenary company despite the military leaving them for dead. The sound design for the weapons were the best at its time along with the general game design with maps much more open not only in the campaign but multiplayer as well. The characters were a bit stereotypical in their behavior but as a military "movie", it is a nice break from the norm and everyone behind it all did their part well. This game alongside some PlayStation exclusives were why I decided to get a PS3 again. I played it a few years ago with a fresh look since I never played this before Bad Company 2 came out. To this day, it's still great though a few choices were outdated such as pre-selected weapons and attachments that makes you not able to customize your loadout when you could do so in BC2. Unfortunately, I never got into multiplayer since the servers shut down in 2023 but even if I could, nobody would be playing to make a good server. If we can get the full package back here on GOG with (most likely) fan-made servers, I think people will realize that not only was this good, FPS games need to be more like what BC1 was. Today's Battlefield games are trying to lean into being more Call of Duty when no one wants to play CoD lite when regular CoD is right there. If a remaster is not possible, a port will do.