I remember getting a PS2 and playing the first Sarges Heroes and loving it as a kid. When this game came out my Brother and I loved it! It captured something you don't really see anymore, the idea of toys fighting a war against each other! The levels being different areas of the house or stores and the scale of it all was really cool to see. The variety of different toys used by the tan army and the great cutscenes made this one of the best games from that era of gaming. My hope is that this game can be released on GoG as I feel its part of gaming history and its no longer available anywhere else online. Not to mention there are already a couple Army Men games on GOG this would make GOG the official place for Army Men fans to come to relive their childhood/past memories. I also feel it would help preserve what makes this game unique, the focus on toy warfare, something many of the younger generation no longer get to experience.