Posted March 16, 2018
I'm trying an experiment of making our process a little more visible, so at least for a little while I'm going to post our done list for Zombasite on these forums.
Upcoming 1.022 change list:
*added effect to cripple status effect
*fixed missing SkillTime translation
*fixed missing GoodAvatars translation
*made skill name draw larger
*added splitter between prefix/suffix text on skills
*added on kill chance print on skills
*changed PROTOCOL_VERSION to 70
*added ui_allConditionsTrue so I could see all widgets at once (easier to rearrange)
*fixed crashes when creating/destroying fake player
*added support to log stuff without translating
*fixed orc shaman weakness skill now based on monster skill
*status effects now skip loading stat changes that can't happen
*changed to a better hash algorith
*only partially build status effects on skill definitions until needed
*magic modifiers now skip loading stat changes that can't happen
*now skip loading unused stat changes
*fixed Trigger::unlock starting an infinite loop if 2 unlocking triggers near each other
*now play monster pain sounds on dots and death
*added donators to credits screen
*no longer build ctx files in debug build (faster debug loading)
*now traps can do explosions (can cause cave ins)
*increased volume of monster pain sounds
*added printResourceName debug command
*item name in item highlight text is now in larger font (Zombasite and next game)
*changed item description color
*made item bonuses more noticable (different color and shifted over a bit)
*added empty line before at current skill level info
*added empty line before next skill level cost info
*changed skill level info text color to stand out more
*changed next skill level info text color to grey
*got rid of a several places could get an extra blank line in skill text
*simplified current/next skill level text
*now hide current skill level/next skill level if no per level info
*no longer show mana needed for basic attack skills
*moved extra enemies to target section
*now status effect text on skill text is much more clear
*now show skill icon in highlight text box
*got rid of a couple more empty lines in quests
*fixed skill prints on item to be indented and colored
*fixed +durability prints on item to be indented and colored
*fixed orc and zombielord sounds in bestiary
*fixed 2 caves having unusable braziers
*fixed whirlwind text no longer being up to date on number of enemies
*no longer show cost of next point when at max
*water can now spread
*water now stays around for 30 seconds instead of 10
*wet status effect now lasts 10 seconds
*now outside in rain gives you wet status effect
*now full level fog adds fog status effect to sentients
*wet status effect now debuffs cold resistance also
*fixed some radar stuff still being applied in some cases
*unique monster and renegade quests that can be on any level now try to sync more times (now 200, was 20)
*fixed liquids getting destroyed, not removed, and then no longer working correctly
*projectiles no longer cause explosion effect on something that wasn't damaged
*caveins should now be immune from damage from other caveins
*now need to stand still to throw ice bombs and other similar things
*fixed some issues when wielding a broken bow
*ghost now counts as flying
*fixed a state issue im RenderingState::setAlphaTestMode
*moved all model scaling to model matrix - faster
*changed bloom claming from GL_CLAMP to GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE
*some short desert plants no longer fade out when "in way"
*dead trees no longer fade out when in way
*updated donation lists from Patreon on website and Zombasite/next game
*fixed aura/status effect text indentation
*whirlwind now repeats correctly when using right click (Mortac)
*fixed 1 DarkLord texture capitalization issue (Linux is case sensitive)
*fixed 9 PlagueLord texture capitalization issues (Linux is case sensitive)
*reworded RightClickMainSlot slightly
*fixed a few things so that immortal clan members would work (treborx555)
*fixed always dark in coop player towns (=TEF= Alpha-9 the Ratman)
*fixed a rare infinite loop in trap activation
*can now have multiple BlockTypeIndex/BlockTypeMult for the same index (now multiple together instead of replacing)
*no longer show @ on level name for clans not met
*fixed god altar blessing prints
*changed god altar text to gold instead of white/green
*detail models in longer hide in model editor
*detail models always drawn in editor now
*fixed effects on items not always carrying over after a world win/loss
*fixed a crash when a level 100 npc goes renegade in a level 200 world - might happen any time an NPC goes renegade and is below the min level of that world (Buttermilk)
*now when spawning guards tries to find a valid position
*fixed sometimes monster getting double promoted or saying player ran away when the player died
*added "and only one can effect a person at a time." to protection skills text (Thunt_Cunder)
*changed some skills to not repeat when holding down hotkey
*now highlighting a slider shows you current value (minimum - maximum)
*added a splitter graphic to status effect text to make it a bit easier to read
*inventory now auto sizes to prevent overlap
*now inventory takes advantage of widescreen monitor if available
*now open bag circle blinks when you have the cursor over slots in the bag
*changed Game Options to UI Options
*fixed small gap in minimap
*fixed a parsing error in UIWidget::parseTextSources
*cleaned up some widescreen handling code
*added a splitter to skill text
*extended roman numerals to 50 (used to stop at 21) (Cockbite)
*changed PROTOCOL_VERSION to 71
*hitting a statue no longer shows effect
*statues no longer do dying animation
*gargoyles now have pain sounds (statues still don't though)
*changed save version to 226
*added VictimShaderFemale
*now when editor loops from last to first or first to last it beeps
*fixed sounds in editor (might have also fixed some issues where sounds at player shift back and forth from left to right speakers)
*now projectiles explode when they hit world objects
*updated donation lists from Patreon
*changed Slaughter skill to be able to use any time not just when have enemy
Upcoming 1.022 change list:
*added effect to cripple status effect
*fixed missing SkillTime translation
*fixed missing GoodAvatars translation
*made skill name draw larger
*added splitter between prefix/suffix text on skills
*added on kill chance print on skills
*changed PROTOCOL_VERSION to 70
*added ui_allConditionsTrue so I could see all widgets at once (easier to rearrange)
*fixed crashes when creating/destroying fake player
*added support to log stuff without translating
*fixed orc shaman weakness skill now based on monster skill
*status effects now skip loading stat changes that can't happen
*changed to a better hash algorith
*only partially build status effects on skill definitions until needed
*magic modifiers now skip loading stat changes that can't happen
*now skip loading unused stat changes
*fixed Trigger::unlock starting an infinite loop if 2 unlocking triggers near each other
*now play monster pain sounds on dots and death
*added donators to credits screen
*no longer build ctx files in debug build (faster debug loading)
*now traps can do explosions (can cause cave ins)
*increased volume of monster pain sounds
*added printResourceName debug command
*item name in item highlight text is now in larger font (Zombasite and next game)
*changed item description color
*made item bonuses more noticable (different color and shifted over a bit)
*added empty line before at current skill level info
*added empty line before next skill level cost info
*changed skill level info text color to stand out more
*changed next skill level info text color to grey
*got rid of a several places could get an extra blank line in skill text
*simplified current/next skill level text
*now hide current skill level/next skill level if no per level info
*no longer show mana needed for basic attack skills
*moved extra enemies to target section
*now status effect text on skill text is much more clear
*now show skill icon in highlight text box
*got rid of a couple more empty lines in quests
*fixed skill prints on item to be indented and colored
*fixed +durability prints on item to be indented and colored
*fixed orc and zombielord sounds in bestiary
*fixed 2 caves having unusable braziers
*fixed whirlwind text no longer being up to date on number of enemies
*no longer show cost of next point when at max
*water can now spread
*water now stays around for 30 seconds instead of 10
*wet status effect now lasts 10 seconds
*now outside in rain gives you wet status effect
*now full level fog adds fog status effect to sentients
*wet status effect now debuffs cold resistance also
*fixed some radar stuff still being applied in some cases
*unique monster and renegade quests that can be on any level now try to sync more times (now 200, was 20)
*fixed liquids getting destroyed, not removed, and then no longer working correctly
*projectiles no longer cause explosion effect on something that wasn't damaged
*caveins should now be immune from damage from other caveins
*now need to stand still to throw ice bombs and other similar things
*fixed some issues when wielding a broken bow
*ghost now counts as flying
*fixed a state issue im RenderingState::setAlphaTestMode
*moved all model scaling to model matrix - faster
*changed bloom claming from GL_CLAMP to GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE
*some short desert plants no longer fade out when "in way"
*dead trees no longer fade out when in way
*updated donation lists from Patreon on website and Zombasite/next game
*fixed aura/status effect text indentation
*whirlwind now repeats correctly when using right click (Mortac)
*fixed 1 DarkLord texture capitalization issue (Linux is case sensitive)
*fixed 9 PlagueLord texture capitalization issues (Linux is case sensitive)
*reworded RightClickMainSlot slightly
*fixed a few things so that immortal clan members would work (treborx555)
*fixed always dark in coop player towns (=TEF= Alpha-9 the Ratman)
*fixed a rare infinite loop in trap activation
*can now have multiple BlockTypeIndex/BlockTypeMult for the same index (now multiple together instead of replacing)
*no longer show @ on level name for clans not met
*fixed god altar blessing prints
*changed god altar text to gold instead of white/green
*detail models in longer hide in model editor
*detail models always drawn in editor now
*fixed effects on items not always carrying over after a world win/loss
*fixed a crash when a level 100 npc goes renegade in a level 200 world - might happen any time an NPC goes renegade and is below the min level of that world (Buttermilk)
*now when spawning guards tries to find a valid position
*fixed sometimes monster getting double promoted or saying player ran away when the player died
*added "and only one can effect a person at a time." to protection skills text (Thunt_Cunder)
*changed some skills to not repeat when holding down hotkey
*now highlighting a slider shows you current value (minimum - maximum)
*added a splitter graphic to status effect text to make it a bit easier to read
*inventory now auto sizes to prevent overlap
*now inventory takes advantage of widescreen monitor if available
*now open bag circle blinks when you have the cursor over slots in the bag
*changed Game Options to UI Options
*fixed small gap in minimap
*fixed a parsing error in UIWidget::parseTextSources
*cleaned up some widescreen handling code
*added a splitter to skill text
*extended roman numerals to 50 (used to stop at 21) (Cockbite)
*changed PROTOCOL_VERSION to 71
*hitting a statue no longer shows effect
*statues no longer do dying animation
*gargoyles now have pain sounds (statues still don't though)
*changed save version to 226
*added VictimShaderFemale
*now when editor loops from last to first or first to last it beeps
*fixed sounds in editor (might have also fixed some issues where sounds at player shift back and forth from left to right speakers)
*now projectiles explode when they hit world objects
*updated donation lists from Patreon
*changed Slaughter skill to be able to use any time not just when have enemy
Post edited August 18, 2018 by StevenPeeler