PetrusOctavianus: All the Japanese Wizardries have anime artowork, so nothing is lost as far as this Wizardry fan is concerned.
Also, I've got the impression that Japanese games in general are highly linear, revolves around a "chosen one" (usually a a spikey haired punk with a huge sword), and you pick up companions (usually 8 year old girls in skimpy outfits) instead of creating your own party.
dtgreene: The Elminage series, to my understanding, is different.
You can, indeed, create your whole party in the series.
Elminage 1 (and Elminage Original) are not linear at all past the first dungeon.
Elminage Gothic (which I have played) has a linear main quest, but there are a lot of optional dungeons and optional sidequests encountered throughout the game. A couple early dungeons have only one mandatory floor, the rest being optional. (Note that accessing the final bonus dungeon does require playing through the rest, but by that point the other dungeons should be really easy combat wise, and if they aren't, you are not ready for the final, brutal, bonus dungeon.)
If you haven't played it already, I highly recommend Elminage Gothic. (I should warn you that the game is, indeed, quite brutal, complete with enemies that can behead or level drain you.)
Isn't Wizardry 6 linear? As the game won't let you proceed until you do certain tasks and the areas are done in certain succession, as well as areas you can't go to yet have much much stronger monsters barring you entry.