townltu: To change hotkeys. go to Options -> Keyboad and click on the actual key combination, it should turn green.
Now hit the new desired key to assign it, the new key you selected should appear, written in white.
Regarding Ironman, there is a huge difference in winning a game on IM or using reloads.
Its not satisfying for me to win if i know that i technically cheated in a game which theoretically allwos IM,
i.e. is nicely balanced and does not have entirely rng based party killing stuff
or OP enemies luring behind every corner/tree that can only be beaten with lord Rng on your side.
The major point is that reloads tend to lower the players learning potential,
why should somebody try another strategy/tactic/approach or however you call it
if rng allows to pass the hurdle after some reloads.
IM certainly brings you faster to perfect gaming, although reloads during the early learning phase
are quite helpful to understand and adapt to the games mechnics.
I play wiz8 on self imposed iron man since ages, its not really that difficult even with smaller party.
The real challenge in Wiz8 is e.g. adding "no resurrection" on max difficulty,
for which i have <50% win rate(never managed to get all 8 through it alive)
For fallout tactics that would be "no healing from chemics" & limited doctoring,
while in JA2 1.13 the difficulty range from ingame and .ini options is so huge,
that i only restrict myself from use of irl imo inacceptable stuff like mustard gas or selling war equipment to civilians.
Thamk you for your comment. I agree with you.
To me, winning the Ironman mode seems to be quite feasible. My goal is to find a way to win the ironman mode without using "battle resets" (As we know, in the ironman mode, if things turns out bad, as long as the battle doesn't end, we can always close the game and restart the last auto-saved game to fight the battle again) or backing up save files.
Up until now, everything went very smoothly.
I got a fighter, valkyrie, rouge, ranger, bishop,bard team.
I increased the alchemy of my bishop to 15 before facing Gregor. And that allowed me to mix potion to earn money. I got a lot of potions and resurrection powders when facing it. And it was quite easy for me to defeat if without being wiped out.
I carefully controlled my levels. When getting to Arnica road, My team are level 4. The battle was easy.
After getting to Arnika I train the wizardry of the bishop by using knock knock, and train alchemy by standing on fire and healing my self. When my alchemy reached 50. I trained Psionic with charm. When I could learn Identification spell, it was quite easy for my to make money by making renewal potions.
Then I trained psionic by using detecting traps.
And I went to the umpani base for a lot of magic books.
Then I went to swamp to buy amulat of healings which regenerated HP.
With these Amulats, I went back to Arnika to train stealh and shield and fighter's ironskin (got all my characters save fighter to change classes to rogue) using the two Higardi criminals in the prison. (I changed combat to real time, so that I can leave my computer and do some other things)
Up until now, everything is good.