Posted September 16, 2023
RChu1982: I would be lacking in a Locks and Traps character, and no Berserking or Backstabbing. There would be nobody with a bonus to Communication, or ability to make Tripleshot Crossbows. The former doesn't matter too much, as you can make infinite money from Alchemy; With the latter, you can get good bows and crossbows from Crock and Ferro.
Bloodlust gives you berserking for a while, not to mention an extra attack. Later in the game, you don't nee bloodlust to be effetive. For Communication, try doing an Int/Sen build with someone; this also works for Artifacts. Also, put points into the skill at level up. I'm not 100% sure, but it might be possible to train the skill by failing to steal from Lord Braffit and then being friendly. (I would save first, and only save if he's friendly rather than neutral at the time. Also, this might not work so well with other NPCs, as some of them will attack if you fail to steal.)
(I want to try an Int/Sen Bishop at some point; this build will probably be able to get Artifacts up really high.)
Edit: Also worth noting that there's a mace that boosts Communication, and it's one you'll want to give to someone who's dual wielding, if any of your characters are and can use it.
RChu1982: The 2 Bishops will have Slings for range (their only available ranged skill). They will max Intelligence and Speed first, then Strength and Senses.
What do you think?
I like that Bishop setup, but when I'm using two characters of the same class, I prefer to not duplicate the setup twice. Maybe try Strength (more physical damage and carrying capacity), Piety (more Divinity and realm growth), or Senses (fast Artifacts/Communication/Psinics growth, and boosts initiative like Speed). What do you think?
I prefer to just do 2 maces. Hammer and The Mauler both grant a skill bonus that boosts both hands, and Diamond Eyes will benefit from it as well.
Post edited September 16, 2023 by dtgreene