Monkey_Quest4: The title says it all, at some point during the Captial missions the game just kicks me out with no warrining or later oops message.
I had the very same problem; I tried both setting the compatibility mode to Windows 98 and using the "4 Gb" patch. It works for me now; must have been one of the two... likely the patch, since there seems to be an issue with memory management.
TunaKing1: For crashing during capital missions, i've found that they are caused by cutscenes
Exactly; I found that out after applying the fix.
To be sure, I haven't finished the map yet, so I can't be 100% sure about the commander tab bug that has been reported above. I just hope I'm not in for an unpleasant surprise. So far I've been able to access the commander screen without hassle.
UPDATE: I defeated Chaos and the commander screen showed up no problem. Everything seems to be in working order.
UPDATE 2: I spoke too early. Indeed the game crashes whenever I try to access the commander screen directly. I even get a "BsSndRpt" message window with the "Unrecognized argument '40,000'." error message. But I don't know how to make use of that information.
And yet, I captured another enemy stronghold and there weren't any issues with the cutscenes, so at least the game is playable, since...
TunaKing1: don't actually need to visit that tab - it's frustrating but you can add to your honour guard before missions.
That's exactly how I'm gonna act from now on - luckily we have that alternative. I just hope the game doesn't crash if I earn a new piece of wargear and thus I'm redirected automatically to the commander screen after winning a battle. It didn't happen last time.