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Still not working...
I am highly pleased to report that the game is indeed working as intended! Sound is a bit broken during cutscenes, with the voices too quiet and the music too loud, but apart from that, it works! Completed the first two missions, no crashes or unexpected behaviour.

I am beyond happy. :)
VexingVision: Sound is a bit broken during cutscenes, with the voices too quiet and the music too loud, but apart from that, it works!
That's how they were recorded originally. There are no separate music and voice-over tracks, both are mixed together into a single audio track that's part of the video.
Kuchenmann: I´ve got another problem.

I can start the game, select my squad and then start the mission, but I can`t give any command.

When a Marine is selected I can tell him to shoot a cultist or move to a location. But he just turns in the right direction and thats it. Every marine that is selected afterwards also ignors commands.

The game doesn`t crash and it is still possible to scroll, change camera heights etc.

Someone else with the same problem?
I have the same issue. Running windows 7 64, 560TI, i5-3570K
VexingVision: Is this the version that works on modern computers?
If only it was! Likewise for Final Liberation and the overlay slowdown.

Early versions of DirectX / DirectDraw rear their ugly head once more! (thanks Bill)

Using a Windows 7 x64 machine with a R9 285.

I experience heavy lag during gameplay.

Hovering over the icons for a few seconds in the main menu also triggers the lag.

I've found there's two ways of solving that:

> Option 1:


Gets the game to run inside a window without the slowdown:
> Add the game into DXWND
> Start the game through the GoG shortcut or through DXWND

> Option 2 (my preferred way)

Use a little program designed to fix the menu slowdown in Close Combat 2: A Bridge Too Far

> Run the program - uncheck "Enable Direct Draw on Exit"
> Click Exit
> Rerun the program - Direct Draw status should be Disabled
> Run Chaos Gate through the normal GoG shortcut

Sadly I can't get either method to fix Final Liberation =\
Post edited July 26, 2015 by mwnn
Kuchenmann: I´ve got another problem.

I can start the game, select my squad and then start the mission, but I can`t give any command.

When a Marine is selected I can tell him to shoot a cultist or move to a location. But he just turns in the right direction and thats it. Every marine that is selected afterwards also ignors commands.

The game doesn`t crash and it is still possible to scroll, change camera heights etc.

Someone else with the same problem?
I have the same issue Windows 7 64bit. I'm using DXWnd and the graphics look fine but whenever issuing orders nothing happens.

Tried all the compatibility settings!

Anyone got any suggestions?
VexingVision: Is this the version that works on modern computers?
mwnn: If only it was! Likewise for Final Liberation and the overlay slowdown.

Early versions of DirectX / DirectDraw rear their ugly head once more! (thanks Bill)

Using a Windows 7 x64 machine with a R9 285.

I experience heavy lag during gameplay.

Hovering over the icons for a few seconds in the main menu also triggers the lag.

I've found there's two ways of solving that:

> Option 1:


Gets the game to run inside a window without the slowdown:
> Add the game into DXWND
> Start the game through the GoG shortcut or through DXWND

> Option 2 (my preferred way)

Use a little program designed to fix the menu slowdown in Close Combat 2: A Bridge Too Far

> Run the program - uncheck "Enable Direct Draw on Exit"
> Click Exit
> Rerun the program - Direct Draw status should be Disabled
> Run Chaos Gate through the normal GoG shortcut

Sadly I can't get either method to fix Final Liberation =\
Option 2 fixed the game for me! Thank you! (it was crashing with the DxWnd method)
Post edited March 16, 2016 by Shin_Ken
mwnn: > Option 2 (my preferred way)
Option 2 worked perfectly, thanks a lot !

Edit : remember to launch again the small software and to check "Enable Direct Draw on Exit" again when you finished playing the game, to enable Direct Draw again on your windows.

Edit2 : There seems to be another possibility :
1) Put "ccstarter.exe" in Chaos Gate's installation folder ("C:\GOG Games\ChaosGate" for me)
2) Launch this software and clic on "Maintain CC exe Filelist"
3) Click on "Add" and select "WH40K.exe", and click on "Ok"
4) Click on the dropdown menu to see the WH40K.exe (and it's path) you just selected
5) Click on "Start Selected Close Combat".
6) [optionnal] Put a shortcut pointing to "ccstarter.exe" on your desktop.
This way, to launch the game, you simply have to start "ccstarter.exe" and click "Start Selected Close Combat".
Post edited April 17, 2017 by Splatsch