mcjomar: Okay!
So, I went off to play 40k Final Liberation (obvious joke about how epic it is).
Got one of those enumdisplaymodes failed errors after trying compaitibility to fix the whole crashing before it starts issues.
The 640x480 resolution fix in here for Nvidia cards worked like a charm for that.
Funnily enough, it says in tha thread it also fixed several other games - including Chaos Gate.
I tried it myself, and it now works (the initial download on my GOG app did the classic Chaos Gate triple screen images which don't work with stuttering animations and borked mouse overlay, so I closed it down, GOG app did a forced update of Chaos Gate, so I ran the game again, and suddenly the whole thing worked perfectly, smooth as butter, and when I tried moving my marines, they finally started walking.
If absolutely nothing else is working, try to get a custom 640x480 resolution mode on your graphics card control panel, and see if that works.
(seriously, we need a nailed post at the top of the forum with literally every issue AND fix that has ever occurred for this game for us all to try to cover every possible base from regedit fixes, to something as ridiculous as this).
Cross fingers this worked for anyone else in this thread.

Evilross: What exactly do you mean by setting a custom resolution?
And if you do this, is the game going to run in a tiny window instead of fullscreen?
It's been a while since I saw this.
Graphics card control panel.
I've got an Nvidia card, so I right click on the icon from my toolbar at the bottom right (under the up arrow).
Go to the Display section on the left-hand menu in the Nvidia Control Panel window that comes up, and go to "Change Resolution".
If it gives you a warning about needing to turn of Dynamic Super Resolution factors in the Manage 3d Setting menu, then do so.
NOTE!!!!: some Nvidia driver upgrades may re-enable this setting.
If the animation bug reoccurs, check this first!
Once DSR - Factors has been turned off in the Global Settings of the Manage 3D Settings menu, return to the Change Resolution menu item of your graphics card control panel.
"Customise..." should no longer be greyed out.
Click there, Click Create Custom Resolution to add items, and create a 640x480 custom resolution.
Make sure your WH40 and/or WH40K exe files have either a) no compatibility settings turned on, or b) compatibility to Win7 (yes this makes no sense to me either, but it worked).
All of this, plus the regedit fixes in prior linked threads previously worked for me.
And no, it won't run in windowed mode, your screen should just adjust to a 640x480 fullscreen resolution (possibly with black bars elsewhere).
However, recent Windows and Nvidia updates have broken this for me again, so I'm trying a few different things to see what fixes it.
Maybe I'll crack open Final Liberation and see if other errors return there - it might help with bugfixing.
EDIT: Yarp, whatever crippled my Chaos Gate has also burned my Final Liberation - it's giving me the bug where it plays the first intro video and then just freezes/crashes out. Yay!, so there are fixes for this issue with graphics/NVidia stuff, I just have to figure out what the latest round of NVidia updates broke, and resolve it.
E2: It's worse, now it crashes to desktop :/
Here's a few things I've also tried:,000-Chaos-Gate Interestingly, the dxwrapper fix for Chaos Gate actually repaired my Final Liberation install.
So I guess I'm partway there, even though it did nothing for my Chaos Gate woes (yet).
E: have another:
[url=,000:_Chaos_Gate],000:_Chaos_Gate[/url] Leaves me wondering if there's still somewhere some forced resolution nonsense breaking the game on me, but... somehow not killing Final Liberation?
hah. of course. I roll back from Version 1.2 hotfix 3 and instead use hotfix 2, and the CTD issue vanishes. I'm now back to "only" having the animation issue. Again. I'll try going back further, given that fan fixes seem to work more often than GOG fixes do!
AAAAAnd the fix for my issue is to "Manage Installation > Configure" in my GOG client against Chaos Gate, and rollback all the way to the original version of the game from GOG from apparently 8 years ago now. Including all of the above fixes, for the record. Yes all. Including the use of CCStarter which I got from at least one of those links I think (or somewhere else).
Yes this is ridiculous. No it doesn't make much sense. But yes, it works. For me.
Any, All, or None of the above fixes may work for you (or some twisted chaotic amalgamation of the above).
If (read; WHEN) this fails for me again, I'll update this thread some more.