Posted July 22, 2013
Just in case somebody else has issues with this... actually, that shape IS that machine to the right that triggers the ending if you haven't talked to the sentients before. But once you DO get that vizualizer image right, something different happens. Instead of triggering the ending, it only continues the conversation with them!
Leading to a much more satisfying ending :)
Here's the order I did things:
1) Talk to the sentients
2) Recover OCTO
3) Head toward the base where I have to make a decision between continuing or going back
4) Go back to the cave, go to the sentients and activate the machine on the right.
*Cutscene where the complex goes above ground*
5) Then, I'm back in the cave and the sentients are on my right inside the cave, but I don't talk to them (am I supposed to?). The map key doesn't function anymore.
6) I continue on the right, exit the cave and go back to base.
*Hug cutscene and credits roll*