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high rated
Viscerafest update
New Features

• The Bunker Buster now fires explosive rounds.
• The Players projectiles have received fancy impact effects.
• The Final Boss of Chapter 2 has received a new attack.
• The Melee Uppercut now pulls from the Dash Stamina meter, but does not require stamina to be pulled off.
• The Melee Uppercut now has I-Frames along with a stronger forward push.
• The Melee Uppercut now has a charge meter below the crosshair.
• Added Killmarkers.


• Reworked blood sprites.
• Reworked blood effects.
• New "Blood" inspired Blood trail effects when shooting enemies.
• Both shotguns projectile models have been swapped out for sprite pellets with smoke trails.
• Reworked explosion materials and sprites.
• Reworked explosion effects.
• Various misc sprite updates.
• Various misc texture updates.
• Reworked Weapon pickup sprites.
• Reworked Deus Mortis sprites.
• Reworked Plague Rifle sprites.
• Tweaked scaling of on screen weapon sprites.
• Reworked Weapon crosshairs.
• Reworked Hitmarkers.
• Reworked Melee Crosshair to be more immediately noticable.
• The general Melee range has been moderately buffed.
• The standard Melee attacks cooldowns have been reduced.
• The Melee Uppercuts cooldown time has been increased.
• The Melee Uppercuts windup time has been tweaked to more accurately sync with the windup sound.
• The Melee Uppercut's damage has been buffed.
• The Melee Uppercut now prevents the player from firing weapons when fully charged.
• The Pung Cannon's direct impact damage has been buffed.
• The Pung Cannon's explosive damage has been buffed.
• The Player now starts the game and chapters with 0 armor.
• An extra Armor pickup has been added to the start of C2L1.
• Ammo respawn timings in chapter 2's final boss arena tweaked.
• The Grenadier's HP has been moderately buffed.
• The Nomad's HP has been moderately buffed.
• The Nomad Priest's HP has been nerfed.
• All enemy corpses HP's have been rebalanced.
• Both end chapter Bosses HP's have been rebalanced
• Every Enemy and Bosses aggression, speed, projectile speed, and damage levels have been universally rebalanced across all difficulties.
• Various sounds Volumes have been rebalanced.
• Various improvements and tweaks to all of chapter 2's Ladders.

Bug Fixes

• Bug with the Halloween skins turning back on after being disabled fixed.
• Bug with Chapter 2's final boss getting stuck fixed.
• Bug with Chapter 2's final boss not moving fixed.
• Bug with Chapter 2's final boss being knocked out of mid phase transition fixed.
• Bug with Chapter 2's final bosses music not playing upon loading a save fixed.
• Bug with Chapter 2's final boss taking excessive damage from explosives has been fixed.
• Fixed missing Trooper Effigy's sprites in C2L4.
• Fixed issue where if the damage taken by the player supercedes the quantity of armor, any effects the armor might have were negated.
Viscerafest update
New Features

• Chapter 2's OST
• Enemy, Prop, and menu reskins for the holiday
• New Seasonal options tab under Graphics
• Bunny-Hopping now cuts all incoming damage in half (stacks with armor)
• New option to disable the Bunny-Hopping's damage resistance effect available in hud options
• Enemies can now damage/kill each other and destroy things in the environment
• Enemy projectiles now reflect off of shields


• Improved Menu U.I.
• Improved Menu Art
• Various sprite and texture updates
• Various lighting tweaks across most maps
• Swapped out the doors in the opening room of C2L1
• Extra ammo pickups have been added in most maps
• The spawn rate of certain ammo types in chapter 2's final boss arena has been tweaked
• The spawn rate of stun barrels in the final boss arena has been reduced
• Removed a few save beacons to curve chapter 2's overabundance of them
• Enemies now make a more significant effort to evade each other's line of sight
• The enemy-type version of chapter 2's first bosses' health pool has been moderately increased
• The first boss of chapter 2 now maneuvers as intended
• The first boss of chapter 2's line of sight attack's windup sound's volume has been increased
• The firing rate of chapter 2's final bosses' standard projectiles has been reduced during the first phase
• The firing rate of chapter 2's final bosses' standard projectiles have been increased during the second and third phase
• The damage of chapter 2's final bosses' napalm rockets has been reduced
• The speed of chapter 2's final bosses' homing missiles has been reduced
• The Health pool of chapter 2's final bosses has been slightly increased
• The Warhounds explosion effects have been tweaked
• The BBQ Belters flames now better track the on-screen weapon
• The BBQ Belters flame effects tweaked
• Player's step height has been reworked which should make for a yet smoother movement experience


• Fixed C2L3 doors missing collision
• Fixed a C2L4 elevator Door interact being misplaced upon opening
• Fixed an unresponsive enemy in C2L6
• Fixed broken textures/materials in C2L7
• Fixed transparency issue relating to sky boxes
• Fixed the first boss of chapter 2's line of sight attack's detonation using the incorrect sound
• Fixed controller rebinding issues
• Fixed several bugs related to hud customization
• Fixed minor scaling issues and prefab non-conforming ammo pickups in various maps
• Fixed several bugs with the hud's ammo counter
• Fixed bug where stalker projectiles would not detonate properly once their timer was up
• Fixed an audio bug triggering the war hounds explosions to cause framerate hitching
• Fixed bug where stunning the first boss mid-LOS attack would cause particle effect to
• stick around while the attack was not active
• Fixed various bugs with the final boss of chapter 2
• Fixed Dashes I-Frames not working on spawnlings
Viscerafest update AO
New Features

• Melee attacks now drop armor pickups.
• Hud customization options.
• Retro/Centered hud.
• Keybinds to disable and enable Hud.
• Weapon position and scaling options.
• Options to tweak weapon auto swapping behaviors and priorities.
• Anti-Aliasing and options to enable/disable it.
• Various Audio visual options to help enhance the awareness of players.
• Subtitles.
• Quit to Desktop button added in the pause menu.
• A new message from Gianni!


• Chapter 2 has received a second art pass.
• All levels have received various minor and major tweaks, balancing changes, and additions.
• Various sprite and asset updates.
• Most of the environmental props breaking effects have been improved.
• Melee attacks now have more notable impact effects for both the environment and enemies.
• Uppercut has been removed from standard RMB tapping.
• Dash icon on hud now darkens whilst dash is recharging.
• Pistol has received a very minor damage buff.
• Pistol shots now consume 3 Cells instead of 2.
• Pung cannons explosion buffed.
• Tweaked the animations and timing of stun states on
• low-mid tier enemies to be more consistent.
• Tweaked the animations and timing of stun states on
• high-tier enemies to be more consistent and useful.
• Hitscanning enemy's aim delay has been rebalanced.
• Several Projectile enemies now have a delayed aim.
• Rebalanced the first boss of chapter 2's aggression levels.
• Nomads have received a minor damage and aggression buff.
• Nomad priests have received minor aggression and projectile speed buffs.
• Enforcers' health nerfed.
• Enforcers and Grenadiers now have melee resistance.
• Enemies with melee resistances now have an alternate sound and impact effect to make their resistances more apparent.
• Changed weapon wheels default binding to R.


• A few acid related fixes
• Fixed a bug where enemies could phase through a door in C2L6.
• Aim delay system has received various tweaks and fixes.
• Various tweaks to improve performance.
• A few Linux-related bug fixes.
• Fixes related to loading save profiles.
• Controller bug fixes.
• More stuff we probably forgot because we've been working on this patch forever...
Post edited January 05, 2023 by Berzerk2k2
So let's say I already ran into the bug where all my progress was gone... is there a way to get the progress back?
high rated
Version is now available in offline installers.
high rated
Viscerafest update

• Stalkers HP nerfed
• Stalkers homing projectiles now have looser homing
• Arachnospud's HP nerfed
• Arachnospud's homing projectiles now have looser homing
• Nomad's hitscan attack damage output tweaked
• Nomad Priest's speed buffed
• Nomad Priests' aim nerfed
• Hellbird's speed nerfed on harder difficulties
• Hellbirds will now be vulnerable for longer after they attack
• Spawnlings will now wait longer between jumps
• Mecha scientists now wait longer to begin attacking
• Chapter 1 final bosses projectile spew damage nerfed
• Chapter 2 final bosses homing missiles now have looser homing
• Enemy and item placement tweaked in C1l3 and C1l4
• Enemy and item placement tweaked across all chapter 2 levels
• C2L6's level geometry tweaked to allow enemies free access to other parts of the level
• Warhound's initial blast radius slightly reduced


• Fixed bug where Chapter 2's final boss would shoot one last cheeky projectile between phases
• Fixed level/teleport transitions breaking due to fixed fades
• Fixed bug that allowed the chapter 1 boss to be damageable via melee during its intro
• Fixed train outdoor ambient sections that were playing indoor sounds
• Fixed platform in C2L5 infinitely looping sounds
Viscerafest update h
• Elder Banshee will no longer be defenseless whilst under attack from the player
• Elder Banshee now has damage flashing
• Fixed bug where Eldritch walker powerup caused enemies attacked during its use to not attack the player after its expiration
• Tweaked boss and mecha scientists rockets blast radius
• Fixed level titlecards not appearing
• Fixed level Fade in
Viscerafest update g

• Controllers can now navigate the loadout menu
• Can now use the back button on the controller to exit the level settings screen in a hub slipgate rather than needing to hit the button on the UI
• C2 U.S.C. key doors now marked with locks
• Minor resource balancing tweaks in various Chapter 2 levels
• Tweaked Puzzle room battles enemy placements on easier difficulties in C2L2
• Tweaked C2L5 Shoot switch puzzle
• Tweaked C2L5 escape encounter
• Changed the triggers for C2L6's bunny line
• Added a touch of cover atop the train in C2L6
• Some extra save beacons in C2L6 and C2L7 after/before particularly brutal encounters
• C2L6's and C2L7's pacing, item, and enemy placements tweaked to make them slightly less relentless
• Shoot switch holding barrel in C2L7 now has a subtle light to it to make it more eye-catching
• The standard enemy type version of Chapter 2's first bosses health nerfed from 7000 to 5000
• Final boss of Chapter 2 was a little too easy so some minor balancing changes have been made to toughen him up just a bit
• Spawnlings, Warhounds, and Drones explosion radius shrunk
• Various explosion visuals now better match explosions size
• Stalker projectiles now have a limited lifetime and will self destruct after a brief period
• Hellbirds movement speed on easier difficulties nerfed
• Enforcer projectile speed nerfed
• Blitzer projectile speed nerfed
• Enemy corpses now subtly flash to indicate you can gib them
• Player can now pass through sacrifices
• Game will now autosave after cutscenes
• Pressing E after dying will almost instantly start the loading process rather than having to wait for the counter
• Tweaked railings to mitigate step height issue


• Fixed profile issue where despite having beaten Chapter 1 players were unable to access Chapter 2
• Fixed various save issues tied to the timing of specific triggered events
• Fixed issue with the Chapter 1 boss where if killed whilst doing the AOE attack the summoning circles wouldn't disappear
• Fixed weird selection bug with the push platforms in C2L2
• Fixed a soft lock-in C2L2 caused by a door being unintentionally closable
• Fixed C2L3's Fortune Cookie
• Fixed a soft lock-in C2L4 caused by the switches around the puzzle elevators the base for if you fall down not working
• Fixed a navmesh issue that caused enemies to walk through glass in C2L4
• Fixed the game autosaving in the middle of the first boss fight of Chapter 2
• Fixed platforms in C2L5 breaking after loading a save
• Fixed pillar platforms in C2L5 infinitely looping audio
• Fixed dialogue in C2L5 replaying if using the elevator again upon loading a save
• Fixed saves breaking in the train station segment of C2L5
• Fixed C2L3 and C2L7's secret armor not triggering the secret on pickup
• Fixed bug that caused stun barrels to do way to much damage to the final boss of chapter 2
• Fixed issue where punching the final boss of Chapter 2 whilst he was stunned would cause the player's weapons to vanish
• Fixed bug where push platforms became unusable after loading a save
• Fixed explosions not properly pushing the player like they should
• Fixed bug where some explosions would deal double damage to the player
• Fixed Spawnlings death sound not playing
• Fixed items gravitate component ignoring cracked walls
• Fixed issue where the player was unable to lock onto the first boss
• Fixed bug where if you entered a level without the last weapon you had equipped in your inventory, your weapons wouldn't work properly
Viscerafest update
New Content

• The entirety of Chapter 2 and its hub containing 7 levels
• 8 new enemy types
• 2 new weapons
• You can now customize your loadout when replaying levels
• Hampter


• Updated logo
• Revised difficulty descriptions
• Various enemy, weapon, and UI sprite reworks
• Icons for saving, and no save zones
• Death has gotten some extra flare with new sounds and visuals along with a counter to tally your demise
• Tweaked Chapter 1 ammo placements
• Tweaked Item placements in Chapter 1 secrets to prevent players from being able to overstock on resources, completely negating the need to think tactically about how resources are used
• Nerfed shotguns because with fixed piercing they were overpowered
• Tweaked Quad Shotgun encounter in C1L5
• Enemy placements on Nightmare have been nerfed
• Tweaked Thunderbirds charge to be more consistent across all difficulties
• Buffed Blitzers projectile speed
• Zetheran projectile speed nerfed
• 8 new sets of difficulty names
• Stalker Death effects tweaked
• Moved the tutorial options
• Gibbed enemies will no longer Re-Gib upon loading a save to help with performance
• Blood now despawns overtime to help with performance in some of the more taxing maps
• When replaying levels from the hub, the player's health is automatically set to 100
• Keys are now themed after the doors of the location that they are used on

Drone Reworks

The enemy type known as the drone is a support unit that is invulnerable whilst not attacking, firing an incredibly fast and damaging projectile. Players would regularly cheese/abuse this enemy when in isolation. Various other factors saw this enemy being a little uninspiring to encounter, so we've made modifications to its behavior to address the above.

• When punched, the drone enters an alternate stun state where it drops a stunning field that slows the player and drains their health
• Drones now take reduced damage from melee attacks
• Explosives now pass through Drone shields
• A new weapon has been introduced to directly counter Shielded enemies like the Drones
• Drones now drop a custom armor pickup upon death rather than the standard shard


• Fixed shotguns projectile piercing
• Made minor fix to a single shot in the Chapter 1 end cutscene
• Fixed issue where certain interactions caused the players weapons to vanish
• Fixed issue where pressing Escape would interact with pause menu buttons
• Stalker Homing Projectile impact effects fixed
• General Optimization
• Various save fixes
Post edited August 20, 2022 by Berzerk2k2
Viscerafest update
New Features

• The first level of Chapter 2
• A new enemy type, the Arachnospud/Gorouge
• A new weapon, the Warhound


• Player side sprites (weapons, body, etc...) all touched up/reworked
• Skully/Skully Barrel sprites improved
• Updated Scientist sprites
• Updated UI sprites
• Plague Rifles damage radius nerfed
• Enforcers Projectile speed nerfed
• Performance improvements
• Improvements to loading times
• More safe profile saving/loading/creation


• Plague rifle gas no longer goes through walls
• Fixed various sounds that wouldn't play/were missing
• Water splash sounds no longer layer
Viscerafest update hotfix
• Fixed issue with boss where dying to its AOE attack prevented you from respawning
• Fixed abusing quickswapping causing crashing
• Fixed issue where dying to the C1L7 subways prevented you from respawning
• Fixed issue where settings wouldn't save across sessions if you change them in the main menu
• Fixed issue with resolution settings being overridden on restart
• Tweaked C1l4's opening encounter on nightmare
• Tweaked C1l7's plague rifle encounter
Viscerafest update
New Features

• Controller Support
• Lock on targeting
• Weapon Wheel
• Previously held weapon bind
• Sticky Aim


• General performance improvements
• Players air control moderately slowed to make shifting direction midair less touchy
• Melee jabs damage buffed from 45 to 50
• Melee uppercuts damage buffed from 90 to 100
• Skull Piercer's damage buffed from 30 to 35
• Bunker Buster now has a faster firing rate
• Bunker Buster sound and animation tweaked to account for new firing rate
• Pung Cannon now has a slower firing rate
• Pung Cannon's animation tweaked to account for new firing rate
• Shredders now have a faster firing rate
• Shredders damage buffed from 12 to 14
• Cells ammo pool increased from 100 to 125
• Reduced wait to fire time when swapping weapons
• Added stability checks for saving
• Troopers health buffed from 35-40
• Thunderbirds health buffed from 70-75
• Enforcers projectile speed reduced
• Enforcers spray duration decreased across all difficulties
• Enforcers health buffed from 100 to 105
• Watchers attack range decreased
• Watchers speed whilst in players line of sight reduced
• End encounter of C1L3 tweaked
• C1L4 ammo placements tweaked
• C1L5 encounters tweaked
• Reworked Caroline hud sprites
• Changed visuals of highlighted and disabled UI buttons
• Quicksave button in the load menu is now greyed out when there is no save to load
• Decal corpses gibs trajectories/blood effects tweaked
• When setting is active Gibs shrink when despawning rather than just pop out of existence
• Tweaked C1L7 ammo placements
• Extra C1L7 save beacon in puzzle room
• Thunderbird Hellrooms laser maze is more visually dynamic displaying how close to shifting
• the lasers are
• Bosses pustule attack sounds fixed
• Bosses pustule attacks visuals/behaviors tweaked/fixed
• Bosses design visually reworked
• Bosses AOE attack visuals tweaked
• Bosses AOE attacks behaviors tweaked/fixed
• Bosses Turrets sprites reworked
• Bosses turrets now ricochet player projectiles away from them to make it clearer you cannot
• destroy them
• Bosses windups for pustule and scream attacks now made longer
• Bosses windup for scream attack now more apparent
• Bosses health pool reduced across all difficulties
• Boss attacks that did not have windup sounds prior currently have placeholder ones
• Reduced the amount of ammo given prior to the boss fight in the re-stock room

Bug Fixes

• Fixed a bug where weapon firing rate was tied to framerate
• Fixed a bug where Set Yoth would pop to altar
• Fixed save bug in C1L7
• Fixed Bosses stun state overriding attack animations
• Fixed Bosses Turrets windup animation
• Fixed Boss alarm end sequence
• Fixed bug where player could walk through the Prelude's broken elevator doors
• Fixed a bug where camera shake would stack so much the player would have an out of body
• experience
• Fixed a minor legs clipping issue
• Fixed issue where the game would not save progress if you quit out during a score screen
• Fixed C1L3 headless decal corpse
• Fixed performance issue tied to Gib despawning
Viscerafest update
Bug Fixes

• Various saving fixes
• Fixed bug where boss sequence would not trigger
• Fixes related to weapon swapping
• Fixed being able to pickup C1L7's yellow key through glass
• Fixed projectiles not properly reorienting upon impact with drone
• Fixed geometry oversights in the prelude
• Fixed Hub Tutorial not being affected by disabling tutorials in the options menu


• Option to disable combat one liners
• Made nightmare a bit harder (lel)
• Tweaked max ammo capacity's for various weapons
• Various sprite tweaks
• Drones drop armor pickups on death
• Drones damage buffed
• Added shotgun pickups to C1L5 and C1L7
• Boosted Infinite Ammo powerups timer from 15 to 25 seconds
Viscerafest update
New Features

• Assist options added
• When you're being burnt by green acid you can dash to remove the damage over time effect.
• Added skip function to the stat display at the end of a level. Press your assigned interact key and it'll skip the stat display animation


• Scientist, Trooper, Thunder Bird, Enforcer, Grenadier, Blitzer and Watcher sprites updated
• Liquid damages rebalanced
• Pillars during boss fight lowered to prevent players from using them as cover
• Further elaboration in dash tutorial
• More Save Beacon placements in C1L7 Evanescent Evacuation
• Watcher's nerfed
• Ladder tweaks(edited)
• Projectiles swapped from particles to models to improve performance and fix visibility issues at lower framerates
• Enemy windups adjusted to be more noticeable


• Issue where you are unable to move related to keybinds (while also being unable to bind your keybinds) should be resolved
• Locker softlock fixed - you can now open the lockers from the inside, should you find yourself locked inside one
• C1 Boss softlock related to dying on certain attacks fixed
• L7 toilets fixed
• L7 trains deathbox tweaked to prevent occasions where you would die while behind one of the trains
• L7 saving softlock resolved
• L7 texture fixes
• Pistol starting works as expected when loading your boss autosave
• Fixed inconsistencies with screenshots loading improperly
• Fixed loading saves when selecting a profile
• Elevator doors in L4 fixed (when spamming the elevator button on the inside you could break the open/close sequence which could lead to a possible softlock)
• Elevator doors in Prelude fixed (when traveling back down the elevator the doors would fail to close)
• Elevator switch buttons in intro fixed (when using the elevator the buttons on the top and bottom of the elevator would break)
• Re-added the unbind instructions on the input screen that was disabled mistakenly
• Fixed issue with objective panel occasionally disappearing
• One of L6 dialogue lines fixed
• Fixed boss tutorial panel graphics
• Ratakathul explosions don't go through walls anymore
• One acid pool in L5 & L4 did not hurt you, this has been fixed
• Door in L4 that you couldn't open did not let you interact with it now allows you to play the cannot open sound
• L6 softlock fixed when saving before a sequence finishes
• File creation bug when selecting a different profile while the game is loading a different profile fixed
• L7 Stalkers not spawning in on Nightmare
• L5 Blitzer spawn outside bathroom fixed
• Typo fix
• FOV resetting on level start and death