Posted March 23, 2016

Thank you for following this issue. I have installed the latest build from scratch.
I still need to run the as root. While it is not a blocking point (yet) I admit that it would be great to fix it. Once I get the game running, I will try to install it on a ntfs drive mounted with special uid and gid. I read here and there that it can fix this issue.
The real issue - the segfault when starting the game - is unfortunately still there. I'll try robokop's padsp wrapper trick. Sounds very promising.
Thank you very much to the community and the staff helping out on forums.
Did you happen to run the original .sh installer as root in the first place? I am asking because I did that once with an unrelated Linux version of a game and I had to run it as root and I am asking just to make sure :)
Also, have you tried running the actual binary itself rather than using the script? Remember to set chmod + x on the Victor Vran binary :)