Paradox187: Can you tell me how to remove the cast animations please.
I find that by the time I have cast and waited out the animation I am losing a good potion of the duration to attack.
wesp5: Which of course was one of the intentions of restoring the casting in the first place ;). As for removing it, open config.cfg with any text editor and replace "vm_discipline" with "vdiscipline_last".
I did that and it didn't do anything. It also kept changing back to vm_discipline, afterwards I set it to read only and the animations were still in place.
Also tried switching any trace of vm_discipline in the default.cfg and no avail.
Also tried deleting the "casting animations" section from users.cfg, still nothing.
Please help what can I do to make the animations stop in my game, I understand why they're in place, I wish there was an option separate of the discipline changes in the installation of the plus patch, I like the discipline changes for the most part but I didn't want to sign up for the casting animations, but they come packaged. pls help wesp, it's killing my gameplay experience..