ProjectDT88: I had the same problem, and it took a while, but I figured it out with the help of another thread. You need to get Microsoft's Application Compatibility Toolkit 5.6 (ACT) once installed follow the following steps
1.) Run Compatibility Administrator (32-bit)
2.) In the side panel, click on the "New Database(1) [Untitled_1]" then On the toolbar choose Fix
3.) Fill in the following information then press next:
[i]Name of the program to be fixed:
"Vampire the Masquerade - Redemption"
Name of the vendor for this program:
"White Wolf Studio"
Program file location:
Browse to your install directory and choose Vampire.exe[/i]
4.) Skip Compatibility Modes and press Next
5.) On Compatibility Fixes choose DxPrimaryEmulator, make sure it is checked and highlighted and press the button Parameters. Where it says Command Line, enter "-DisableMaxWindowedMode" Choose okay, and if it says -DisableMaxWindowedMode in the Command Line Column, congrats, you did it right.
6.) Press Test Run. If you can now adjust the brightness then the game is fixed. You only need to finalize the changes.
7.) Quit the game and return to ACT, you can either press Next or you can add NoGDIHWAcceleration. I find it made the game play a lot easier. If you add it, repeat step 6 to make sure it works.
8.) Ignore the next page and press Finish, you are not done though.
9.) Go to File>Install.
Once installed the fix will always work with the game. You are now done
I went through the steps because the original links you to look to a guide that no longer exists. I hope this helps someone.
Thank you! This is the solution, people. I did get an error message from Windows on the first install but just had to install latest version. You ONLY need the compatibility manager, not the whole thing and just follow the same instructions.
In a later post there was mention of a program called "dgVoodoo" that I wouldn't recommend as my virus protection flagged a Trojan.