Convenience-Patch (Build 14085) - (November 2) FINAL veröffentlicht: 02.11.2017 Das Team von Urban Games freut sich sehr darüber, heute endlich den Convenience-Patch zu veröffentlichen! Der Patch steigert das Spielerlebnis mit einer Reihe von Verbesserungen in der Bedienung.
Deutsch: Englisch: Die Highlights: - Skalierbare Nutzeroberfläche
- Voll funktionsfähige Scroll-Balken
- Überarbeiteter Dialog für die Mod-Verwaltung
- Komfortablere Auto-Save Funktion
- Übersichtlicheres Einstellungsmenü
- Optimiertes Verhalten von Zügen
- Neue Warnmeldung bei blockierten Zügen
- Bessere Darstellung beim Bauen von Oberleitung
- Mehrere Probleme beim Modding gelöst
- Diverse Fehlerbeseitigungen
Die vollständigen Release-Notes befinden sich hier und alle Details zum Patch, inklusive einem offiziellen Video, auf unserer Webseite:
Seid versichert, wir arbeiten bereits am nächsten Patch! Wie versprochen kann in naher Zukunft ein grosser Performance-Patch erwartet werden.
Build 14085 (November 2) - Added user interface scaling feature
- Added fully-functional scrollbars
- Added completely reworked mod selection dialogs
- Added warning when trains are mutually blocked
- Added throughput rate column to line table
- Added option to not spawn certain industries on random maps (modding)
- Improved settings menu design
- Improved auto save functionality: save every x minutes
- Improved vehicle logic: always react when line path changes
- Improved vehicle logic: fixed inappropriate train reversing
- Improved catenary/high-speed layer visibility
- Improved bulldozer: bus stops on streets now bulldozable via HUD icon too
- Improved warning message when stations are not properly connected
- Improved town charts when date range is very large
- Improved finances window: maximal loan is now shown and buttons gray out
- Improved town growth: big towns more dependent on cargo supply (new games)
- Improved town cargo handling: support for cargo production (modding)
- Fixed depot not upgradeable when containing vehicles
- Fixed a bug which caused cargo items to travel "loops"
- Fixed incorrect industry upgrade announcement
- Fixed vehicles ignoring waiting cargo with "Full load (any)"
- Fixed buses/trucks not following the official line path when using waypoints
- Fixed rare bug that caused industries to lose station catchment area after upgrade
- Fixed rare crash when building or demolishing streets
- Fixed rare crash during new game initialization
- Fixed enter key not working in confirmation dialogs
- Fixed stop numbers in vehicle and station window
- Fixed street/track geometry "holes"
- Fixed terrain alignment "rays" when building streets/tracks
- Fixed missing error message when construction files are not found
- Fixed Class 9000 light placement
- Fixed invalid industry warning when using non-standard date speed
- Fixed smoke texture artifacts
- Fixed terrain alignment for canal in mission US03
- Fixed vehicle color blend masks not working for mods (modding)
- Fixed load indicator not working with multiple compartments (modding)
- Fixed several town cargo production issues (modding)
- Fixed bulldozer costs with no-cost mod enabled (modding)