Actually Planetary Annihilation is quite good, but it's missing some features they've promised to include, and was released in a rather unfinished state. It doesn't have proper documentation at present, so the only way to learn it is by trial and error or through the official wiki, which isn't organized pretty well. Give it a try, just don't expect it to be the same as TA and Supreme Commander. It's a lot faster, has fewer unit types and you have less overview over the battlefield because of the spherical planets and the battle ranging over several planets at once, which requires much more multitasking as in TA and SupCom. It has a pretty brutal AI that was programmed by a modder who joined the Uberent team who developed a pretty well known AI mod for SupCom (Soran's AI). If you're looking for Single Player, don't expect too much, it doesn't have a proper campaign, only a set of procedurally generated maps for SIngle Player, the so-called Galactic War mode, which takes away a lot of the tech tree that you have to regain over the course of the campaign.
Since it's been discounted some times already, just give it a try, it's different than TA and SupCom, but well worth a try.
Post edited December 14, 2014 by spillblood