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You sirs. Are beasts of awesome.
So if you have never played Thief 3 before is this the way to play it? Do you still get all the cutscenes and everything?
Apart from the merged maps and some fixes and polish it's the same game - including the cutscenes. Later there will hopefully be briefing movies too, like in T1-2.

At this point you should either wait for an updated T3 Gold - there's a couple of bugs to be ironed out - or play the original. (You need to play the original to really appreciate how annoying those loading zones are...)
Has anyone else found this game just gets better and better as it goes along? (Although, keep in mind I've never played the vanilla version)

The plot is deeper and more suspenseful that I would have expected... I would think some of the original Thief 1+2 crew had to have worked on this.

In short, impressed so far
Is this mod compatible with the John.P texture pack?
Not in its current form. But watch this space.
It has been quite some time since I have played Thief 3, but just because of this I´d play it again :)
I am a venal coward and quite possibly a taffer to boot. Once a full release of the fat upgrade is out I'm going to have to go back into The City and play this game again. I will then be confronted with one of what I think is the single best levels ever designed.

That, of course, being The Cradle.
And once again I will shit myself and end up playing during daytime with the lights on, because I hate scary games.

Even though Thief 3, while being a good game, was by no means the best of the series, that one level has always stood out to me as being particularly inspired. I look forward to reinstalling and playing through nearly the whole thing again. (I will play the cradle, I just won't enjoy myself, and I will require therapy, or at least good whiskey afterwards to help me recover!)

And now if you'll excuse me I have to go and curl up in a foetal position in the corner and whimper to myself.
Post edited November 28, 2014 by anomaly
the first combined Sneaky Update/T3 Gold/John P's texture pack has been released;
Version 1.1.4 is out and the first post has been updated.

This is the first release of the Fat Edition, which bundles the mods Thief 3 Gold, the Collective Texture Pack (a.k.a. John P) and the Minimalist Project. It's also the first release to include the SneakyTweaker utility for setting up both the mods and the most important SU options. (John P and Minimalist originally required you to re-run the installers to change the configuration options - now you just change them in the tweaker and reload the game.)

A couple of original issues are hopefully gone: The game will now remember your current difficulty when starting a new mission, so as long as you set it right after the training mission it'll stay set throughout the game. (Eventually T3G will provide an improved Inn mission where all difficulties are available.) And video modes with high refresh rates are now avoided, which should fix the remaining cases of the bug which caused broken lockpicking etc.

Also of note is a built-in screenshot feature: Manual screenshots are saved with the current map name and time, and screenshots can be saved automatically with savegames. Options are provided to set the quality for each type. It's currently a bit on the slow side, which is why it's disabled by default. (Enable it in the tweaker.) Note: Because of the included JPEG library, this version won't run on Windows XP. If anyone cares about this I'll fix it. :p

The T3 Gold included at this time is 1.1beta. The removal of ambient fog in T3G caused a bit of controversy, to the extent of people making tools to get the fog back... So Beleg Cúthalion has restored the original fog and the SU now provides a fog tweak which will work in both T3G and the original maps. (Try 0.35 for something similar to how it was in previous versions of T3G.)
Besides the restored fog there's no major changes compared to the version from the fat SU beta. So whether you want to test or do a full T3G play-through, it's strongly recommended that you wait until Beleg gets the final 1.1 finished. (Be aware that savegames can't be carried over.) But if you do play the beta and get the endgame bug, then it should be possible to fix a savegame.

For John P, the options provided by the tweak tool are almost identical to those in the original installer. (A few textures have been split off into their own group.) By default enabling John P will enable all the included textures - note that this will increase loading time somewhat.

The options provided for Minimalist are a superset of those in the original installer. A couple of changes have been made, most importantly the difficulty has been reduced and the Classic GUI (T1-2 style light gem) is the default. The option descriptions in the tweaker will mention when a default deviates from the original.

FMSel has not yet been updated to the NewDark 1.22 source. The diff against the 1.21 source is here.

Thanks to Beleg Cúthalion, lowenz and Kerrle for testing, and to John P, New Horizon and Beleg Cúthalion for permission to include their mods and rework them to fit the SU mod support.
Post edited November 28, 2014 by voodoo47
a hotfix has just been released.
A new release is out - Thief 3 Gold 1.1 is out of beta, fixing the endgame bug.

@voodoo47: Thanks for posting T3 related info here occasionally.
yet another update, with lot of good stuff packed in;

Version 1.1.5 is out!

The Fat Edition now bundles mensch's delicious classic briefing videos. A big thank you to mensch for providing these!

Originally a Thief 3 Gold sub-project, the briefings are now considered a mod in their own right. (And they do work with the original maps in addition to T3 Gold.) When active, the briefing videos will replace the original audio/text briefings.

Thief 3 Gold is at version 1.2. There's a couple of bugfixes - the bug which could keep you from finishing the St. Edgar's mission was unfortunately back in 1.1.

The Sneaky Upgrade itself has had a few bugs fixed as well - most prominently one that would cause the weapon or item count text to be misaligned when the HUD was scaled to around 0.5. Also, support for Windows XP is back.

The gamepad support now has mouse and escape key emulation, so it's now finally possible to play the game without having to reach for a mouse or keyboard.

Logging has been much improved, and may now actually be useful for debugging... There's a couple of new options in the tweaker for this. By default only errors and warnings are logged.

In the tweak tool, the main enable/disable checkboxes for the mods have moved to the overview page, making them more discoverable.

The installer will now detect and offer to uninstall a currently installed version. The SaveGamePath registry value (which is where savegames, screenshots and options are stored) can be changed during installation and the path to FM archive files can also be specified.
download from the first post, as always.
Post edited February 07, 2015 by voodoo47
Awesome work you guys are doing with all the Thief series.
Have you actually got your hands on the source code as well or everything is possible by just using the Editor and being able to write dlls using some API?

A question about Thief 3: Are rope arrows still out of question?
This was the only major 'flaw' in this otherwise very good game for me.
No source code, unfortunately, but it's possible to make small changes to the existing binary. As for the missions, the original map files were published with the editor. Without them T3 Gold would not have been possible.

Rope arrows are not feasible, I'm afraid. Even the original devs couldn't get them to work, IIRC. Someone in the T3 fanmission community did manage to make something like a chain of small narrow ladders, but it wasn't totally convincing. And even if they did work, adding them to the original game in a meaningful way would be a lot of work.
Sneaky Upgrade has been updated;
1.1.6 is out. The changes listed here are relative to, not the beta from early December.

The installer:

Thief 3 Gold and the Briefings are now activated by default
Fixed a bug which could cause the install paths for mods and FMs to be set wrong on Windows XP
Now bundles and installs the official VS2013 runtime
On Wine (Linux/Mac) the runtime DLLs are set native for Thief 3 automatically

The patched game now works out of the box on Wine. (Tested on Ubuntu 14.04 with Wine 1.8 pretending to be Windows XP.)

The game:

Game launch now bypasses the launcher exe. This eliminates most Steam and GOG quirks
Window Mode option: Fullscreen, windowed or borderless windowed
New tweaks: Mouse sensitivity, run speed, gravity (separate tweak now) and ambient light
Fix for the in-game loot list showing wrong values and total in certain FMs
Option to allow attempted loading of savegames that are rejected as damaged by the game. (Not available in the tweaker)
Fixed a bug where FMs without either a User.ini or User_patch.ini file would not get settings copied in from the OM
User.ini. Thanks to fortuni for reporting it
Fixed (hopefully) the game crashing on multisampling settings 2 and 4 on Windows 10

Please use the icon(s) installed by the patch to launch the game - any original shortcuts will still launch the original game, as a result of renaming the exe files to escape Steam and GOG interference. For the same reason GarretLoader users need to do a bit of manual work, post-install. (It's possible that there'll be installer support for this later.)

The loot list fix is active only for FMs, and only when starting a new game. (Loading an old save will turn the fix off.) Because each type of loot only has one line in the list, the column originally showing per-item value is changed to show the total value for all items of that type. The header is then changed to show "Total" instead of "Value" so that's an easy way to tell if the fix is active.

No progress on the other Windows 10 issues (broken brightness and vsync). :(

The mods:

Because gravity is now a separate tweak, the Minimalist Project now has a Gravity Factor override
Due to issues such as this, Minimalist is now disabled while playing FMs

If you currently have Minimalist active it's best to finish any in-progress FMs before updating.
Post edited February 17, 2016 by voodoo47