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Welcome to the Thief 3 Gold project. It aims to provide a couple of improvements and fixes for Thief 3 - Deadly Shadows. For the time being, this is an FMSel-ready release which acts just like a fan mission. In the future, it will be integrated into the Sneaky Upgrade by snobel. Please note that while the download is only about 22 MB it will take up about 700 MB of disk space after installation.


This version has the following features:
- No loading zones or blue fog in all nine proper missions (excl. the Inn tutorial)
- Re-designed transition zones (as faithful to the game as possible)
- Various fixes of broken/incomplete patrols, missing shadow-casting, un-ghostable AI positions
- Fixed Keeper enforcers (slight health boost, bodies defined as monsters so NPC will react shocked to their corpses, for further tweaks please cf. the notes on manual tweaks below)
- Reduced ambient fog to avoid the blue tint in many maps
- Removed transition zone symbol from hand-drawn maps
- From the Sneaky Upgrade side the game was tweaked to allow slightly larger maps (content-wise) which was necessary for the Cradle and Museum maps
- Fix to allow finishing the Widow Moira mission (Seaside Mansion) on EXPERT without stealing her inheritance (Optional, please cf. the notes on manual tweaks below)

Plans for the future:
- Turning the tutorial mission into a proper mission on HARD/EXPERT (this is a lot of work)
- Tweaking/balancing remaining bugs etc.
- Including proper briefing videos like this: (artists, volunteer!)
- Including proper hand-drawn maps (artists, volunteer!)
- Proper tweaking UI for the Sneaky Upgrade (AI awareness, equipment prices, HUD and font sizes etc.)
- Tweaking the movement of Garrett, maybe altered mesh
- Whatever comes up

What probably won't happen:
- Getting rid of City section loading zones (might work for small sections like Garrett's house or Fort Ironwood, but is a hassle in general because of the maps' complexity)
- Rope arrows and swimmable water
- Proper Pagan dialects

For any questions, criticism etc. please reply in the corresponding threads on or write me a PM there.

Cheers and I hope you enjoy it,

A big thank you for snobel, my partner in crime, as well as the beta testers and people making suggestions: Yara (who gave the most and thorough bug reports), Platinumocixity, Darth Slaughter, bikerdude, Kerrle, AntiMatter_16, lowenz (for posting it on RPS) and DJ Riff.


Notes on manual tweaks:
A few fixes can be activated by changing values in the Ints.txt file. Eventually there will be GUI support for this, but for the time being the file must be edited manually.

After installation through FMSel the Ints.txt file can be found by going through the Sneaky Upgrade start menu group: Click on Local Folders / Installed FMs, then browse to T3Gold_1_0\CONTENT\T3\Flags.
The lines that can be changed are lines 3-5 (counting from 1), as described below. Do not change anything else in the file!

The file lists all defined integer values used by the game. After their respective names, four numbers seperated by single spaces are given: The first number is the current value this integer has (this is the one you can change!), the second its maximum. The third number gives the minimum value, while the fourth gives the expiration game day.

Widow Moira inheritance fix: Change the line
SEA_T3G_LootFix 0 1 0 20
SEA_T3G_LootFix 1 1 0 20
If the standard value is set to 1, the selling price of the inheritance for Captain Moira's widow will be adjusted to 400 (from 500), rendering it less than 10% of the total loot, which makes it possible to finish the mission on EXPERT difficulty without having to steal the inheritance (which can have in-game consequences the day after Garrett has retrieved both the Compendium and the glyph key).

Keeper Enforcer Invisibility tweak: Change the line
T3G_KeeperAssassinsInvis 0 1 0 -1
T3G_KeeperAssassinsInvis 1 1 0 -1
If T3G_KeeperAssassinsInvis goes up to 1 and the difficulty level is HARD or EXPERT, the enforcers will turn invisible, won't have shadows, won't attack civilians and have a slight sensory awareness boost (1.3 instead of 1).

Keeper Enforcer Telepathy tweak: Change the line
T3G_KeeperAssassinsTelepathy 0 1 0 -1
T3G_KeeperAssassinsTelepathy 1 1 0 -1
If T3G_KeeperAssassinsTelepathy goes up to 1 and the difficulty level is EXPERT, the enforcers will approach the player once any of them has spotted him. For logic reasons I think this tweak should only be allowed to be activated if the former already is.
Post edited August 27, 2014 by voodoo47
Very cool; congratulations and thank you to the maker(s) of the mod! ^_^

I came here because I've decided to re-play Thief 3 (albeit my old boxed copy, not the GOG version), and was hoping that this mod happened to be done--and found that it was!

Between this and the Sneaky Upgrade, I'm rather looking forward to seeing what has been made of Thief 3. ^_^

(I plan on first attempting to play this under Ubuntu via Wine, something that I'm inexpert at, so wish me luck! (If I fail, I'll likely try again under Windows XP.))
Beware of this Wine bug - it makes it impossible to turn around more than about 400 degrees. Workarounds are using wine1.4, playing in windowed mode or - having two monitors?!
Thank you for that--although I'm afraid that I didn't manage to get it to run through WINE at all; I gave up and have been playing under XP.

Speaking of which, I'm very glad that I installed the updates (both the Sneaky Upgrade and Gold): once I started playing in XP pretty much everything went smoothly (barring a few crashes at one point), and they do indeed seem to have both improved the experience of the game (the removal of the transitions within levels in particular). ^_^
A quick note: The ttlg forum reports an error in the manual tweaks quoted above; specifically, in the lines that involve changing a numeric value to 1 (such as the "Widow Moira" fix), the first value should be changed, not the third.

(The post linked-to above just mentions Widow Moira, I believe, but a quick comparison of the first post of that thread and the first post of this (at time of writing) suggests that the mistake applies to the "Keeper Assassin" tweaks, too.)
edited the first post accordingly.
Oh cool, thank you so much!
I gave this a go, eventually getting it to work, however I couldn't seem to get it to work with the John P Collective Texture Pack. Any info how how to get them working together if possible would be nice. I tried installing the texture pack both first and last (after installing the mod in FMsel) no luck.

Considering how hideous the game is without it, it's a shame as I don't think there's anything Thief 3 Gold could do, now or in the future, that would get me to put up with it being so ugly. The game didn't look great a decade ago when it was new, today it looks like a bad .jpg that's been overly resized, without the texture pack.
Post edited September 20, 2014 by Grogger
it should work, afaik - ask in the TTLG topic.
Hey folks, I'm back again. :D Not sure if any of you remember me, I post quite rarely.

I thought Thief Gold (with TFix) is easily one of the best games ever. Thief 2 was also great, but I don't believe it merits the same distinction of greatness that the first game has.. for various reasons, but mainly because the huge open levels (along with the tedious robotic enemies) doesn't suit this type of game.

Now I'm willing to give Thief 3 a try, especially with the Sneaky Upgrade and now, Thief 3 Gold. I've got both installed, but must admit I'm using the Steam version of the game.

Have a few questions. Is it necessary to play this game offline? Steam doesn't let you disable automatic updates, so I'm wondering if offline is now necessary.

Another thing: does this game maintain the linearity of the other 2? The last thing I'd want to do is play a Thief game where you have to "grind" for gold and level upgrades, with lots of repetitive fetch quests, an open world, etc. Of course I will discover this for myself, but thought I'd ask anyway.

Grogger: I gave this a go, eventually getting it to work, however I couldn't seem to get it to work with the John P Collective Texture Pack. Any info how how to get them working together if possible would be nice. I tried installing the texture pack both first and last (after installing the mod in FMsel) no luck.
The old John P installer will not work with T3 Gold unless you're prepared to manually move files around before and after installation. In about a month the 'fat' Sneaky Upgrade should be ready, it will include both John P and T3 Gold in the same installer. That's a much better solution if you can wait. (Also note that Beleg Cúthalion is currently bugfixing and improving T3 Gold, so also for that reason waiting a while might be better.)

Batman55: Have a few questions. Is it necessary to play this game offline? Steam doesn't let you disable automatic updates, so I'm wondering if offline is now necessary.
It used to be possible to disable automatic updates, but apparently no more... You can save yourself some grief by following the procedure here. If you know your installation is clean, then doing items 3-6 and 9 should suffice.
Just to report this quickly:

I'm using T3 Gold with sneaky upgrade. In the hammerite Chalice mission, after using the symbol and the stamped gear, the game does not do "objective complete" on that. I can then get the Chalice, but when I go back to the front courtyard, the game does not finish the mission. Presumably because one of the goals was not achieved.

This appears to be a game-breaking bug. Any way around it?
It's been reported. Read Beleg's edit in post #145, finding and reading the note he mentions may complete the objective.

If it doesn't, then waiting for a T3 Gold update and starting over from a City save from before St. Edgar's is probably the best solution.
snobel: It's been reported. Read Beleg's edit in post #145, finding and reading the note he mentions may complete the objective.

If it doesn't, then waiting for a T3 Gold update and starting over from a City save from before St. Edgar's is probably the best solution.
I read a little in that thread, restarted the mission and did things in a different order, and that solved it for me. Hopefully you guys will/have fix(ed) this?

In other news, I must admit I'm really starting to like this game. The Hammerite temple was a good level, for one.. not on par with T1, but it was very solid nonetheless. But then I reached the Keepers Stronghold and was impressed by the depth this game has, the amount of stuff to do in it, and such.

What brings it down? Several things, but primarily the transition areas and the long load times (despite having a modern computer), both of which tends to take you out of the game for a bit. I imagine this can only be because it was a lazy console port. (I'm guessing it's probably much worse in the vanilla, un-modded game.)

Lesser things include occasionally weak voice acting, the Pagan "speak" is just plain overdone. I'll have some other impressions later.

keep up the good work
snobel: ...In about a month the 'fat' Sneaky Upgrade should be ready, it will include both John P and T3 Gold in the same installer...
Think I've probably played Thief 3 for the last time but that's still good to know thanks.