wallwork: yes . i download and install this driver... nothing change.20-30 fps on Super low settings...
Try tweaking the settings to see if there's anything in particular that is in conflict with your hardware/software. I'm just guessing here in case you are restless but my initial advice is to wait, I assume they will fix performance and stability issues with patches.
VikingDream: But i really don;t see much differnce in how the game looks from ultral all on to low all off...we apart from the frame rate.
Some settings affect more than others. For example, I find the Bloom setting horrible as it actually makes the entire screen brighter instead of specific lightsources (as it should). Light Shaft is a far better option to leave on but apparently Bloom doesn't drain too much performance so you can leave it on if you like the look.
It's possible to go beyond both Lowest and Ultra by changing numbers in the user.settings but you might break things and it will take time to test those individuall (to make sure they are actually making a difference) so make sure to make
numerous back ups to easily switch between them.