Santiago: I guess a huge factor is how early in the game someone gets Witcher gear and uses it exclusively, because both the silver and steel swords give a massive XP boost.
DocDoomII: I exclusively use Witcher gear, even if underleveled.
Crafted the viper school swords at level 2 and never used a normal sword ever again.
Well then I guess my next play through I'll have to stick with the witcher gear strictly and see how that there works out.
DocDoomII: I've done all side quest that popped up, all contracts, all points of interests (yes, ALL of them), all treasure hunts, all DLC. Anything.
I finished 200 xp from lvl 35 and got to 35 killing sirens from the last few smuggler caches I had left in Skellige.
Ok but you had to do every little thing for which there is to do in the game which meant majory grinding just to get hight enough to use the master crafted, By then there was nothinbg left to do really.