Posted June 08, 2011

Registered: Jun 2009
From Canada

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted June 08, 2011

Everyone has different tastes in games and are better at certain games than others.
Yeah, leveling up is a must to survive. Just put all your points into the magic tree (specifically the Quen sign) and you will be fine.
I mean I don't mind RPG style challenge but I dislike if a game requires too much reflexes and timing. I"m guessing by spamming the Quen spell it makes it harder for enemies to hurt you thus requiring less reflexes with dodging and blocking.
Post edited June 08, 2011 by marcusmaximus

Registered: Oct 2008
From Portugal

32 Bit World
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted June 08, 2011
Tawny Owl, Aard, and run around in circles with silver sword on fast strike to move fast. Strategy! ; )

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Registered: Apr 2011
From United States
Posted June 08, 2011

Everyone has different tastes in games and are better at certain games than others.
Yeah, leveling up is a must to survive. Just put all your points into the magic tree (specifically the Quen sign) and you will be fine.

I mean I don't mind RPG style challenge but I dislike if a game requires too much reflexes and timing. I"m guessing by spamming the Quen spell it makes it harder for enemies to hurt you thus requiring less reflexes with dodging and blocking.
And yes, trying to use reflexes and timing in this game is a sure path to an endless stream of frustrating deaths due to the game's reaction time to your button presses being terrible.
But you don't have to spam the Quen spell. You can make bombs and throw them during combat at large groups of enemies. Or if you know that there is a group of enemies up ahead, you can make a trap and lay it down, then lure the enemies over and have them trigger it. There are lots of ways to deal with groups of enemies in this game, and they all pretty much involve leveling up or finding the formula for a new kind of bomb or trap.

To all the people discrediting his opinion based solely on your statements that he is a "console fanboy" are nothing more than pots calling the kettle black.

But you know what ? Hundreds of users have already pointed that flaw, in here and elesewhere, and all of them are alot more qualified than he is to point out that flaw or any other flaw in this game because they didn't stopped playing mid way throuhg Ch1, they weren't too lazy to figure out how to skip a cutscene and they managed to muster the necesary brain power to deal with 5 freaking signs without getting all confused by their little strange names. That lazyness and stick dudes sucking each other's dicks on his video rants and all the other usuall dick/cunt/tities juvenile shit jokes is pretty much all he has to offer these days.
He's a console fanboy allright, that's why he sucks so much at anything that requires a modicum ammout of preserverance or anything that doesn't come with a win button, but that's not the reason his opinion should be discarded, his lazyness and the fact that it long stopped being about the games and it's all about the hits is.
And you are correct, he has not been funny in a LOOOOOONG time, and just comes off as immature. I guess he thinks if he uses enough big words in one review or references enough old literature that it will make people over-look the fact that his sense of humor centers around nothing but reproductive organs and implying homosexuality and think that he is really clever and intellictual.
And the "pot calling the kettle black" statement I made was that often times people discredit someone's opinion by calling the a console fanboy, and then go on to spout tons of all that PC gaming superiority fanboy bullshit that makes people hate PC gamers in the first place, thus continuing the endless circle of insults and retaliatory insults
Post edited June 08, 2011 by link1264

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Registered: Apr 2010
From United States
Posted June 08, 2011
Yahtzee hates life. No surprises here. I don't think the guy gets laid enough.

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Registered: Sep 2008
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Registered: Oct 2008
From Portugal
Posted June 08, 2011

And you are correct, he has not been funny in a LOOOOOONG time, and just comes off as immature. I guess he thinks if he uses enough big words in one review or references enough old literature that it will make people over-look the fact that his sense of humor centers around nothing but reproductive organs and implying homosexuality and think that he is really clever and intellictual.
And the "pot calling the kettle black" statement I made was that often times people discredit someone's opinion by calling the a console fanboy, and then go on to spout tons of all that PC gaming superiority fanboy bullshit that makes people hate PC gamers in the first place, thus continuing the endless circle of insults and retaliatory insults
Thing is, i don't think anyone actually ever looked at his number as 'proper' reviews because his stuff was always more of a comedy act, which used to be funny, with some valid critique in the mix, which is clearly not the case now because often he just makes shit up to rant about for the sake of pandering.
But, there's no way to deny that he has some pull and comedian or reviewer i think it's damn irresponsable to issue an opinion on a game he clearly didn't played or even bothered trying to play when he's all too aware of that pull. That pisses me of a bit i guess.

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Registered: Apr 2011
From United States
Posted June 08, 2011

And I don't like Yatzee either. Not only does his smug "I'm better than you" attitude when he is not annoying, I also don't get his preference in games. I don't get his bottomless love for Valve or how he has given other RPGs with the same boring errand running mechanics(Fallout 3, Oblivion) better reviews than others.

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Registered: Nov 2008
From Canada
Posted June 08, 2011
It's his job to hate on games. People don't go view his reviews for a real evaluation, they go to hear him get mad and curse.

Do what now?
Registered: Dec 2008
From United States
Posted June 08, 2011
Please tell me you're joking, I can't play prince of persia games because they require too much reflexes and timing. I'm hoping with witcher 2 that I can with leveling up properly and/or playing on easy that I can get through the game.
Act 1 feels harder than the other Acts just because you're underleveled, but it will teach you how to dodge, block, and use bombs/traps. Opening with a Dancing Star (if it lands Incineration on one or more opponent) goes a long way towards helping with crowd control.

32 Bit World
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States

Registered: Oct 2008
From Portugal
Posted June 08, 2011
Actually i'm sure you can easily find him going on record saying that often people tell him that they act accordingly to how he 'colours' a game purchase wise. How significant that number of people turns out to be or how relevant they are in the grand scheme of things i wouldn't know, but does it happen ? Oh yeah, sure does, and like i mentioned above, he's all too aware that it does happen.

Registered: May 2011
From Australia
Posted June 09, 2011
It works like this...
If you agree with the crowd, you are just a number.
If you disagree with the crowd, you are an individual, one that is attracting attention, clicks and revenue in advertisement (quite possibly from EA).
I kind of gave up on being suprised by this type of thing after the last year Game Stop E3 count where Witcher 2 suddenly lost 20k votes in favour of EA product, while 12k fanboys voted for ME3 that was not even featured on the last years E3 and those votes were allowed.
If you agree with the crowd, you are just a number.
If you disagree with the crowd, you are an individual, one that is attracting attention, clicks and revenue in advertisement (quite possibly from EA).
I kind of gave up on being suprised by this type of thing after the last year Game Stop E3 count where Witcher 2 suddenly lost 20k votes in favour of EA product, while 12k fanboys voted for ME3 that was not even featured on the last years E3 and those votes were allowed.

New User
Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted June 09, 2011
Who is this person?