Posted June 23, 2011

New User
Registered: May 2011
From Netherlands

eat more goblins
Registered: Dec 2010
From Other
Posted June 26, 2011
Well, just because I started this >>>
finished the game (helping Roche), and: the last QTE I have seen has been the one at Flotsam. From this point on (and taking the Roche path), there is no additional QTE to be seen.
Means, who ever put it in in the first place soon got bored to continue "spicing up" the overall game experience the QTE way.
Don't know of the other part of the plot (helping out the elves), but I will have a look by not freeing the Flotsam women.
Anyway, if I had known about the QTE's being present in the very first part of the game "only", I might have not posted anyhow.
See you (maybe in another post, pointing out why this game is just too short :) )...
finished the game (helping Roche), and: the last QTE I have seen has been the one at Flotsam. From this point on (and taking the Roche path), there is no additional QTE to be seen.
Means, who ever put it in in the first place soon got bored to continue "spicing up" the overall game experience the QTE way.
Don't know of the other part of the plot (helping out the elves), but I will have a look by not freeing the Flotsam women.
Anyway, if I had known about the QTE's being present in the very first part of the game "only", I might have not posted anyhow.
See you (maybe in another post, pointing out why this game is just too short :) )...

Kapten Teo
Registered: Sep 2008
From Sweden
Posted June 26, 2011

finished the game (helping Roche), and: the last QTE I have seen has been the one at Flotsam. From this point on (and taking the Roche path), there is no additional QTE to be seen.
Means, who ever put it in in the first place soon got bored to continue "spicing up" the overall game experience the QTE way.
Don't know of the other part of the plot (helping out the elves), but I will have a look by not freeing the Flotsam women.
Anyway, if I had known about the QTE's being present in the very first part of the game "only", I might have not posted anyhow.
See you (maybe in another post, pointing out why this game is just too short :) )...

New User
Registered: Jun 2011
From France
Posted June 26, 2011
I think QTE's are quite easy is this game, even with "difficult QTE" turned on. I can't remember more than a couple of missed keys in the entire game, during my first run.
QTE's on Bosses (Kayran and some other) are well balanced : they aren't breaking the cinematic feeling of the scenes whilst allowing an implication from player, and add a chance to miss (and the cinematic being different from a simple scripted sequence).
On other hands, QTE's for fist-fights are so easy that I can't even imagine other than a total newbie gamer missing any part of this.
That's my only regret, and I wish to add longer combos, and a better ennemy response, to really feel the strenght of opponent... instead of hitting a dozen of times the same keys and have the feeling of fighting against a punching-ball :p
QTE's on Bosses (Kayran and some other) are well balanced : they aren't breaking the cinematic feeling of the scenes whilst allowing an implication from player, and add a chance to miss (and the cinematic being different from a simple scripted sequence).
On other hands, QTE's for fist-fights are so easy that I can't even imagine other than a total newbie gamer missing any part of this.
That's my only regret, and I wish to add longer combos, and a better ennemy response, to really feel the strenght of opponent... instead of hitting a dozen of times the same keys and have the feeling of fighting against a punching-ball :p

New User
Registered: Jan 2009
From United States
Posted August 14, 2011
I know that this QTE thing is a very hot topic, by reading all these posts. I would like to say that I tried playing the game, and I couldn't play it past the opening prologue. Sure, the button mashing mindlessness was bad enough, but this game wasn't a failure, just because of that. The reason was "atmosphere"....which the first witcher so eloquently delivered. The characters seemed to have voices and personalities that fit well, and all of this really drew you into the world. Sadly, the sequel failed to capitalize on this and expand it....instead, the developers opted for better graphics, and more QTE's,...aiming for more of the console crowd I guess. Anyway, whatever their reasoning was....they failed to see what a good thing they had, and adopted a stance contrary to the old addage...."if it ain't broke...don't fix it". So all of these folks can continue to fued over QTE's....but when a game loses it's "atmosphere" kinda loses its soul. I think the developers could learn a lot from watching "the Godfather" and it's sequel "The Godfather 2"....both of which won oscars for best picture. How many game sequels ever "REALLY" capture "ALL" of the magic of the original?

New User
Registered: Aug 2011
From United States
Posted August 15, 2011
I liked the boxing in this game better, but yea i do wish the fights were much longer, had more animations (I think Geralt secretly knows Kung Fu, he should let it out) And dear lord they were way too easy. I loved every other part about this game though. Near perfection, i hope the 3rd is similar.