zerebrush: Hi,
first off: this is a fantastic game with everything the fantasy genre needs. From grafix to plot and everything in between >> there is nothing like it, honestly!
But: I tried but still can not fathom why ever those QTE's found their way into the game.
I mean, it might be alright (and even funny) during armwrestling, boxing or loading up a ballista, but to put QTE into key elements of the game is worse then announcing "Gothic 4" only to hand out "Arcania" - maybe some folks will know what I mean.
Actually I died enough times for three games by trying to outlive the QTE in Flotsam (freeing the elven women).
First it had been the dragon (during the prolog). While this only had been a mild spoiler this is followed up by the Kayran >> just hammering any key/mouse button in a mindless way to kill an endmonster? Not quite the cream of game making.
I suppose there will be a lot more of these QTE-sequences, once Flotsam is history, but I am sure I will never see any of them, simply because because of the uninstall function.
It is not because of having spent money for something that I can not use, it is a lot more about being disappointed in perhaps the most talented game makers all around today.
Thank you for reading...

Ebon-Hawk: Correct me if I am wrong but you are saying you have a problem with QTE and therefore it is ruining the game? However you are not actually saying why that is... apart from the fact you find it difficult to complete them... ???
While it is not my intention to be the Devil's Advocate in here I have finished the game with some (though little) problems with QTEs and have found that they work successfully at keeping my attention on what is going on at any time on the screen.
I fail to see how this is running the game... perhaps you could be more specific...
.... trying to elaborate:
- first post had been written after dying more times then needed in the last few seconds in Flotsam
-- here the QTE-indicator shows up only if you really confront (position/orientation wise) those three women.
Miss this spot two times, and you loose your battle against the counter, means that in the end you're stuck inside chapter one of three.
That is why I felt like the game had been ruined.
Outside of that: you might call me a RPG addict, and normally I am very sure of what games to get. Means: I will stay away from Arcade elements especially. Somehow I must have missed the presence of those QTE sequences - I would not have purchased the game otherwise.
In my opinion those QTE's are breaking the mood (it is easy to get captured by the visuals of this game, and - the plot is not that bad, either).
So, in the middle of beginning to be a part of the story and action you are presented with a sluggish, hard to miss (not only because of the "size") pointer that urges you to concentrate not on what is happening on screen, but only to keep an eye to a progress bar.
No problem in arming a ballista, even the dragon run is no problem (once you got it that you might do well to run into the camera).
The rubbish starts at the Kayran: lots of things going on >>>> one hysteric sorceress yelling things about the use of the right sign, tentacles to avoid, tentacles to smash, ducking thrown chunks of masonry.
Then - all of a sudden - you are literally riding the beast, and >>> at this precise moment "they" present the QTE indicator. Believe me, at 1600x1200 this thing is SMALL, and you've still got the Kayran do kill.
Took five runs to finally notice the indicator. But ok, maybe I am slow or handicapped.
(Wrote already about Flotsam and the QTE there)
So, and because I have nothing but respect for the dev's, I tried to think about a good reason why those QTE's would add to the game instead of being a pain in the ass (sorry).
I might be a dunce, but the only reason that remained had been that they implemented QTE sequences only to show that they can do it. Maybe Assassin's Creed did impressed them that much, I do not know.
Looking at the majority of the anwers to my initial post, well: it is better to feel not that much alone - opinion wise - and if this actually changes nothing up until now, maybe one of the next patches will bring the ultimative "no QTE button".