I played a lot of 2011 new games and it is my first time actually saw this options. So only witcher 2 engine has the capability for ubersamping or is there anyother games? Also cause I dont have a such powerful PC to run it can anyone tell me if there is a significant improve in graphics? Thanks a lot
cH053n: True, but between Uber 1 and 0 there is no difference in texture quality. I zoomed in on just the ground and the rock, looks exactly the same quality wise.
Like you said though, Ubersamping off appears better anyways, everything is more sharp looking, lol.
charleswang95: What is ubersampling anyway? anyone what to explain it to me?
cH053n: - Ubersampling: high quality rendering mode under which whole scenes are rendered multiple times to provide the best possible textures, object details and anti-aliasing (superior to anti-alias and anisotropy even on the highest settings). PLEASE NOTE: Option designed for powerful, next generation systems! Use with caution, only on top-end computers (best possible in terms of both GPU and CPU).