I appear to have the same problem. Trying to download the Troll Trouble comes back and says invalid code.
Also when I tried to register via the launcher it redirected my browser to a page that was down. So maybe I'm not completely registered? Going to
http://en.thewitcher.com/ has the Login and Register links disabled.
On the other side I was able to download both the Polish language options (text and voice) without a problem. Now I have to figure out how to uninstall them.
Edit: If it matters I did not get any sort of confirmation email after registering, I'm not sure if I was suppose to.
Edit: additional details - the page that did not load in my browser was secure.thewitcher.c.dot360.pl which I was redirect to in order to "configure my profile" I don't know if this is a necessary step.
I deleted the SerialNumber key from the registry which allowed me to attempt to register again. Hopefully I didn't screw myself by doing this. However the same problem with unable to load the above page happened on this try as well.