Addai67: No, they're not. The manual says "push the button you're told to push" but not whether you push that one time or a dozen, or how to do the fistfighting minigame. That's no explanation. And no amount of explanation will ever make those damned things fun.
By your logic, I wasn't playing Geralt of Rivia in TW1 because the combat is entirely different than in the sequel.
Now you're just picking at straws. Different QTEs requires different different number of keypresses. Some take one, others like the fistfights, takes several. Do you expect them to list down every possible permutation? They did mention the key points 1) a hint will display telling you which key to press, 2) press it when it does. You argue that the game guide doesn't tell you explicitly that there will be multiple keypresses, well, by the same logic neither does it tell you explicitly that there is going to be a single one and that's it.
As for the arm-wrestling game, I'd give you that; the manual didn't seem to have mentioned it although it took me just a second to realise what to do. After all, your main controls are the WSAD keys to move and the mouse for look, it's either one or the other.
The combat wasn't all that different in TW1 in terms of having multiple skills, stances, signs and things to throw at your disposal. Hence your remark about how "by my logic you weren't playing Geralt of Rivia" does not apply. The main difference in combat in TW2 is how you execute your swordplay. And that, I would say they did a much better job in TW2 than in TW1. In both cases, you click your mouse to deal a blow. But in TW2 you have much better control over each and every stroke, rather than just respond to the rhythm.
Your reply is starting to make me think that you're not so much interested in critically examining the issue at hand but just trying to win an argument at all cost.
EDIT: Seems like I can't even give you a point for anything. For arm-wrestling, it's apparently not even considered a QTE by the developers, and it does have its own dedicated section in the manual that tells you how it works and what peripheral it involves. Same goes for each of the mini-games, e.g. in the text for Fist-Fighting, it describes the possibilities of landing a blow, a series of blows and even counter-attackes via the QTE mechanism described previously.