LordRikerQ: I think the problem comes in here because some people dont get it. I dont think everyone wants easy mode, after all its there and it does work as intended. But some of us do want a challenge just not a masochistic frustrating reload 10 times challenge. Which is where normal mode usually comes in. It should be challenging but not frustratingly difficult, that should be reserved for hard and higher. Its not about being easier, its about providing a challenge for ones skill level, not all gamers are created equal.
Reload 10 times is not masochistic. That's when you are actually challenged. :)
W2 does not do a good job at teaching the player how to play in the prologue though, so it's very easy to bang your head against the wall without realizing that's what you are doing in my opinion.
Took me several deaths to notice:
> That blocking had a vigor cost
> That quen was insanely useful
> That quen blocked vigor recovery
> That I should be using bombs
> That I really can't dodge through people
> That dodge has no invulnerability frames
> That I should not insist on finishing my enemies with a heavy attack
and so on, so forth...
Playing the game on hard and I don't find the hard diff really hard in the sense that it does not require a lot of twitch player skill.
When I die (and I have died quite a number of times!), it's usually because I made a bad decision, not because I failed at executing what I planned due to fumbling the controls.
I think for an action/rpg this is a good balance.
The real challenge is not in the action part, it's still in the preparation and decision making aspects. You just need to make those decisions quickly.