The links in the OP aren't working anymore and that external list isn't very useful.
Other sites have mods&patches that seem outdated.
I'm looking for mods that
don't alter completely the experience.
Mainly those which:
1- fix bugs and errors (e.g: community patches).
2- improve unconvient features (e.g: bigger inventory, UI fix, no cheats).
And maybe that secondly:
A- enhance a bit the graphic, keeping the original style (e.g: faces, bodies, some bad textures).
B- carefully improve some characters interactions (NPCs, companions).
C- add a few exceptionally-crafted items or side quests (good story and places).
Any suggestion?
For now I'm checking these (valid for EE too?)
- Overhaul Project
- Low Res Texture Fix
- Realistic Blood Effects
- Bigger Fonts for HighResolution Gaming
- Triss see through Black Nighty (hehe)
- TW1ENB (not sure about this)
- Alchemy Mod
- Plentiful Herbs
- Faster Movement Mod (but it's exaggerated even with the lowest %. I ended up modifying the 2 files myself)
- Swamp Access Storage
- Dentist_Storage_Act5
- Sex Takes Time (lol)
- Greater Item Stacking (more balanced than the 999 one)
- Permanent Bodies (a pair of files conflict with other mods and should be removed)
- Many Items (cheaty, but contains "Stuff That Makes Geralt's Life Easier" that allows to meditate everywhere)
- 4gb patch (stopped the game from crashing!)
- Missing Kalkstein and Leuvaarden Clues Fix
- Leuvaarden Buys Salamandra Badges
- Han Gives Han NOT Berbercane
- Fair Kalkstein Mod
- Celina Wreath Fix
sadly, these aren't side-quests, but separated maps:
- And a Curse and Love and Betrayal
- The Crossroads
- Medical Problems 1 & 2