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Personally I think the game is over-priced for what it is, and I like the game and have it on disc.

Aside from a few games like the recentish Star Trek ones and Diablo and WarCraft etc, which you cannot really compare the game to, not in the same league or same type of provider, there is no good reason to be so highly priced. And certainly been plenty of other games here that were much cheaper, that you can compare it to.

After all this time and a few sales, it is still a lousy 15% off.

I think I should pay less than $10 AUD, but I'd still buy it if $10 AUD, unfortunately it hasn't gotten close to even that yet.

I bought the Middle-Earth Mordor game for $7.29 AUD a few days ago, and could not help but reflect on what was still being asked for Wheel Of Time on sale. I remember what I paid for a bunch of Tomb Raider games, and many many others, and just shake my head at what GOG want us to pay for Wheel Of Time.

And while we are talking prices, I still maintain those Star Trek games and Diablo and WarCraft are over-priced anyway, even on sale.

I will continue to wait until we get a proper discount, but it sure as heck rubs me the wrong way, GOG Exclusive or not. Might as well be unavailable if you are going to ask too much for a game. Some folk of course, don't have much financial sense or patience, paying what they often do for games, and only encourage high pricing. That lack of care means we are all expected to pay more than we should.
Post edited September 08, 2022 by Timboli