Thorfinn: Huh. What does quartz shards do for you? I'm not seeing any difference at all up through 120 MTi. I obviously have several Terraforming techs to unlock, but only 2 oxygen and pressure, and a single heat tech to go.
Incidentally, what does that mean I have to work on? Is it all biomass at this point?
ksj8ak2: The
Terraformation Index is the sum of all Oxygen, Heat, Pressure and Biomass you're currently producing.
Currently, there is no dependency between these four values, so you could raise your TI by, let's say, just increasing the heat, ignoring the other three. You need to raise all four, though, since all of them unlock blueprints at various stages. Some of these blueprints require specialized structures to unlock and / or craft, like the Biodome for Biomass blueprints and the Biolab for Pulsar Quatz.
I don't know, which quartz shards you're referring to. Pulsar Quartz is used as a building resource for, for example, teleporters.
Cool. Thanks! Had no idea Ti was done that way. Had no idea there was a Wiki, either. I've always been deconstructing all heaters once I unlock the last heat blueprint, and so on, so by that point all that was adding in was biomass. Guess there's a reason to keep all that around after all.
Re: quartz shards, I have no idea. It was in the OP. I had just run through up to trees and had not seen anything that screamed it was different from before. Evidently it changes only later game stuff. I just figured I'd have run into something like that by now.