Posted June 18, 2013

With some luck I managed to get it going but it was pretty buggy with glitches left and right and it was very crash prone. Too bad since the quality was a lot better.

I was disappointed with the drive and decoder, though--as the industry as a whole took years after that--lots of years--before DVD replaced the CD as the normal drive in most systems. For years the drive sat there largely unused by me--waiting on all the DVD titles I just knew were coming any day! I uninstalled the thing when it got long in the, if only I could remember what I *did* with the darn thing!...;)
The version of Overseer I bought contained both the CD and DVD versions, and the MPEG2 was a *lot* better. I don't understand why the existing MPEG2 footage could not be integrated into the CD version of the game--it should be.