Posted January 16, 2016

Will i still be able to load my previous saved games from the orignal GOG version after installing the patch or will they be incompatible ?
If you're the type to play a game a few times and you're enjoying the game, I'd recommend your first playthrough as vanilla. And then youre 2nd as CoH.
Vanilla isn't a bad game, but... okay. It's a bad game. But it's still really good. :)
If you don't get a game-breaking bug, it's pretty fun. Keep multiple saves (that goes for CoH too) so if you do get a bad bug, you have some hope.
If you're not the type to play a game twice, then start over with CoH. :)
P.S. It won't feel like starting over. Lots changes.
Post edited January 16, 2016 by Tallima