DamienWind: I have to gripe a bit at any blues watching this thread.. this install was a tremendous fail! My first GOG game with DLC and I'm kind of leery of buying more in the future.. feels like the second we move beyond a simple setup+patch there has to be trickery involved to get it working.. not good! :|
I agree wholeheartedly with you. I bought this game on GOG because I expected GOG's usual ease of use: one file, just install that. What we got are several files, no official instructions/help on the order of installing them. I shudder to think what a mess it would be if this was a game that was still being updated/developed.
This is definitely the last DLC I buy on GOG.
From a blue post in another thread, 1.1.10 patch:
Please write to Support if you're having technical issues with the patch.
If you have the Gold DLC, then there's no need to install the MindGames DLC patch as the Gold Editionn supersedes that. The patch was released for those who ONLY have the the base game + MindGames.