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These are for SM2:

1.14 04/07/23
- [feature] High Score table.

- [interface] Research screen lists research points needed to research the current technology and how many turns it will take.
- [interface] Mass order to claim/abandon claims to all uninhabited planets.
- [interface] Military/Ships modernization screen allows to Uninstall/Install modernizations one by one.
- [interface] Military/Ships total modernizations installed tooltip lists all currently installed modernizations.
- [interface] Military/Ships install modernization buttons list the cost (for easier planning).

- [fix] Minimap mouse coordinates.

1.15 11/08/23
- [feature] Automatic ship hulls modernization option (if you select the appropriate checkbox in Options AI will automatically decide on ship hulls modernizations and report it each time).
- [feature] Throne Mode (previously called Hands Off ruleset) now enforces "Automatic ship hulls modernization" (regardless of option selected), so you don't deal directly with modernizations in this mode.
- [feature] Now there is a more strict limit to Core Worlds (maximum 30 + 3 Core Worlds per point of Centralization but no more than 50% of planets).

- [removed] Removed Imperial High Command staff mechanic (replaced with a simple static image showing high command in work). Basically, no one liked it and most people voted that the game would be better without it. In future the feature might return in some other form.
- [removed] Removed Total Control ruleset (I feel no one was using it anyway, if requested the effects of this ruleset can be added as "Extra rules" in future versions), now the rules selection looks much more intuitive. If you have a save that runs on this ruleset it will work correctly.

- [misc] Less suicidal diplomacy of minor civilized aliens towards the Empire, they are now much more reluctant to declare war if the Empire is much bigger than them.

- [balance] SpecOps gain per turn scaled to the game length (to make rebellions equally difficult regardless of the game speed settings).
- [balance] Drastically increased ministry expansion cost (it was way too low), also adjusted expansion administration points cost.
- [balance] Adjusted ministry efficiency effect on ministry events chances (was geared too much towards positive events) and added difficulty level bonus/penalty. Also changed the caps to minimum 10% and maximum 90%.

- [art] New Rebellion report image.

- [interface] Civilized races which lost all planets are clearly marked as dormant and have diplomacy options disabled.
- [interface] Improved "Summon head of the house" and "Summon to investigate" tooltips, to make it more clear what it is used for.
- [interface] Military / High Command screen now show maximum squadrons and squadrons production (and loses, in a tooltip), similar to Squadrons screen.
- [interface] Made it more clear that F.E.D. income comes from both fiefs and colonies, also renamed the tab on finances to "F.E.D. Income" for consistency.
- [interface] Rulesets renamed to modes and made much more prominent on the News Game screen. Also renamed "Balanced" to "Imperial Mode" and "Hands Off" to "Throne Mode".
- [interface] Improved New Game screen.
- [interface] Experimental feature (need to enable Experimental Features in Options) report notice buttons have a different color depending on report type.
- [interface] Most reports have a bigger text now (because there was space and bigger is better, especially on small monitors).
- [interface] Legislation and Research reports now have a button to access the appropriate screen (with [SPACE] hotkey).

- [fix] Small spelling corrections.
- [fix] Support reform option still appears when all reforms already completed (in Summon to discuss option only).
- [fix] Incorrect larvaes displayed on exactly one special planet (Early Access leftover).
- [fix] Civilized alien races asking for peace when when they have no planets anymore (aliens with no planets now are considered dormant/extinct).
- [fix] Meaningless and incorrect display "at War with Empire" on aliens overview screen next to Empire.
- [fix] Admiralition still sending forces to unclaimed planets, planets with withdraw order or planets controlled by a race you are at peace with in some circumstances.
Post edited September 25, 2023 by ERISS
Version 1.16

– [feature] House who betrayed during rebellion has the house leadership replaced (unless explicitly pardoned by the Emperor).
– [feature] Efficiency of diplomats introduced (similar to Ministries). Now, average of Competence and Charisma of diplomats is used for all diplomatic calculations (treaties, diplomatic perks, infiltration). The value is displayed on Alien/Diplomacy screen (similar to Ministers) with all bonuses in a tooltip. This makes it more clear how it works (no longer separate Competence and Charisma effects) and overall look prettier. Technologies and laws which affected Competence/Charisma of diplomats directly were adjusted accordingly.

– [remove] Removed agents (there was just one technology that affected Agents and overall the mechanic was insignificant and not worth the additional complexity and UI clutter).
– [remove] Removed Xeno Experts (those were of marginal usefulness and added needless clutter with the need to explain what works for Diplomats and what for Xeno Experts, now only civilized races have Diplomats which is clear and straightforward).

– [misc] Now start with 3 megalopolises and can unlock additional 4 via laws (City Rights and Imperial Supremacy, +2 maximum megalopolises each) for a total of 7 megalopolises.

– [interface] Improved several tooltips related to diplomacy.
– [interface] Fleet “C” zone tooltip clearly states it covers Terra only.
– [interface] Unlock project tooltip on technologies screen lists effects of the project to be unlocked.
– [interface] Minor improvements to the description of some audience tooltips.

– [fix] Tooltip position incorrect in some rare cases.
– [fix] Main menu Load screen stays open in some cases.
– [fix] Reforms screen incorrectly closing audience dialogue screen in some cases.
– [fix] Spelling corrections.
There are quite high chances the next project would be an expansion to Stellar Monarch 2.
Drop by Discord to discuss possible expansion.

Version 1.17

- [feature] Removed Diplomatic Corps, now you appoint diplomats among courtiers (there is one diplomat position for All Minor Races and one for each major race). Note: You need to appoint Diplomats among courtiers if you have an old save (otherwise you will have no diplomats).
- [feature] Extra optional rule "Visible Technologies". When selected will make all technologies visible regardless of level.

- [misc] Removed bonus to All Ministries Efficiency from the court (the Administrative points gain is more than enough to make you care for Competence of courtiers, so the effect was redundant and was not affecting any decisions anyway and was just adding to the interface and mental clutter).
- [misc] Banishing a Courtier from the Court requires stripping the Courtier of all positions first.
- [misc] Level of Ministry renamed to Efficiency of Ministry (more logical and consistent with other similar effects).
- [misc] Color of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Justice switched (for more intuitive Diplomats color, since they use a variant of the color of the Foreign Affairs Ministry).

- [balance] Technologies rebalance (effects slightly adjusted, tier of some technologies adjusted), one new technology added.
- [balance] Budget (Administration) grants Administrative points (+5 per tier).
- [balance] Budget (Administration) reduced Tax Efficiency bonus.
- [balance] Budget (Administration) increased All Ministries Efficiency bonus.
- [balance] Agricultural Standards Act and Mining Standard Act (laws) made significantly stronger.
- [balance] Will Of The People Act (law) increases reform speed by additional +25% instead of +10%.

- [interface] Summary/Empire list all dynastic perks.
- [interface] Bonuses tab on Summary/Empire which lists all bonuses (identical to stats on Technologies screen).
- [interface] House button tooltip shows wealth, FED shares and has proper colors for Authority and Monarchism.
- [interface] Authority and Monarchism on Houses summary screen.
- [interface] Tax changes are instantly updated (to see how it affects happiness without waiting for the next turn).
- [interface] Top bar tooltips improved.
- [interface] Court screen shows stability bonus from houses.
- [interface] Better tooltips for courtiers competence, loyalty and charisma (with extra notes depending on the role like minister or diplomat).
- [interface] Various small interface improvements (colors, tooltips, etc).

- [fix] Removed incorrect aliens aggressiveness report (this was leftover from first Stellar Monarch mechanic which was never used in the sequel).
- [fix] Minor spelling fixes.
Version 1.18

- [feature] Negative Imperial treasury causes penalty to Administrative pts generation (at least -10 per turn, increases over time).
- [feature] Negative Imperial treasury triggers an event each audience which makes you select one penalty (default being Stability loss). The longer the deficit the higher the penalty.
- [feature] Negative private treasury causes penalty of Authority -10 for the Royal House (lifted after balance is positive).
- [feature] Negative private treasury triggers an event each audience which makes you select one penalty.

- [remove] Removed stability drop from negative money mechanic (replaced with Bankruptcy audience events).
- [remove] Removed Houses minimap mode (it made an incorrect impression that the location of fiefs is very important). Also removed all mentions of Noble Houses Homeworlds from all tooltips.

- [misc] Mechatrons will now run out of supply after around 100 turns after unburrowing (no more reinforcements). There is a proper event announcement about it.
- [misc] Hidden battle markers on starmap when there is no Recon (it was plain confusing).
- [misc] Removed dev "triangle" notice (to avoid confusion).
- [misc] Removed the option to Expand Ministry of Protocol (Ministry of Protocol has no bonus, therefore the option was pointless).

- [balance] Centralization decreases legislation points needed to pass laws to -2% per Centralization point (before -5%).
- [balance] Centralization increases Tax Efficiency by +1% per Centralization point.

- [interface] Improved Corruption tooltip to clarify that all income is affected by Corruption.
- [interface] Houses summary screen lists grudges next to relations.
- [interface] Rebels tooltip improvements: Removed rebel points gained from events (this information is redundant here and just confusing) and cleaned up the tooltip so % modifiers are listed separately.

- [fix] Cities started being constructed before colonization is completed. Same for infrastructure points generation.
- [fix] Main menu help right side section items (left side was correct) "Back" button closing the whole help screen instead of moving one level down.
- [fix] "Unexplored" was off on the planet short info box.
- [fix] Spelling corrections.
Version 1.19
One measly interface improvement, big bug fixes,
and many hidden changes as a preparation for the upcoming expansion.

- [interface] Mini house buttons (on the top of the screen) sorted by relations/opinion.

- [fix] Was possible to get diplomatic/infiltration progress towards an extinct race.
- [fix] Was possible for an Admiral to sent negative number of squadrons in some cases.
- [fix] Safeguard against potential memory overflow error.
- [fix] Safeguard against squadron templates with no ships (which could cause negative production). Now at least one ship is guaranteed.
- [fix] Events could include options to add Popular Support to reforms that were already passed. Now all such options only pop up if the reform is not passed yet.
- [fix] Bio Chemical bombs were not destroying defensive installations.
- [fix] All constructions (star bases, etc) upkeep was positive (those added money instead of deducting).
- [fix] One of the previous versions broke budget changes counter, fixed.
- [fix] Turns to research could have been displayed as negative (if there was an abundance of research points).
- [fix] Replacing leaders of the house (rebels punishment option) made the head of the house broken (banquet, phantom person on planets display, etc). In addition to the fix, old saves will have this auto corrected on load.
- [fix] Offensive squadrons were not converted to defensive squadrons upon planet conquest in some cases.
- [fix] When automatic queue of technologies option was used the highest unlocked tech level was not updated (and therefore sometimes too low).
- [fix] Various spelling mistakes.
Version 1.20

- [misc] More hull types and weapon types (Laser, Particle Beam, Plasma Gun, Graviton Lance), also Ion renamed to Particle Beam. Added to weapon tooltips the exact effect. Some hull types now have a different weapon type.
- [misc] Missiles attempt to lock on a target enemy ship each combat round (not every second round; the average number of missiles locking per combat round is similar).
- [misc] 50% damage goes to Shields and 50% to Hull (was explained incorrectly in the tooltip).
- [misc] Now aliens can start with Guided Missiles.
- [misc] Other combat related adjustments/fixes.

- [interface] Squadron statistics and espionage tooltip has added that Fighters/Heavy Fighters carry 1 bomb each (and how much damage those deal). Also improved missiles tooltip to make it more clear how those work.

- [fix] Armor ship component was not working.
- [fix] Description of Shields fixed (damage reduction incorrectly listed) (as 1/3 while it's 50%):
- [fix] Incorrect tooltip info (listed as Hardened Shields instead of Hardened Armor).
- [fix] Incorrect position of some interface elements.
- [fix] Several text related fixes (wrong emperor pronoun in one place and other small stuff).