Posted October 10, 2016
12 Taim & Bak XI 7 Turbolasers (computer assisted targeting)
12 Borstel RH8 Laser Cannons
Two Phylon-Q7 Tractor Beam Projectors
So, no mention of Superlasers there. But it's still unclear what the difference is.
But the guide also has some info on scoring and AI behaviour which might be interesting for you.
The guide isn't totally accurate on most things.
For example, when describing the Close Escort and Loose Escort AI orders, it gives distances of 1000 meters and 4000 meters respectively, while with some minimal empirical information proves those figures to be quite too small. (My tests offer values closer to 1300 and 6222 meters).
Most arrival delays are about 0 to 6 seconds to long in the guide.
Maybe it's an error derived from me using XWA models for the frigate, but in these models, there are only 8 hardpoints defined for weapons (4 pyramid-looking turbolasers, 4 rotating turret superlasers).
As you quote, the frigate supposedly has 12 lasers and 12 turbolasers. There are definitely not 24 hardpoints defined in these models.
Even if they reuse the same harpoint for lasers and turbolasers, that would be 12 hardpoints and not 8.
Also, I am not sure if there is any point on shooting normal (starfighter class) lasers instead of turbolasers.
They seem to travel at the same speed and deal the same damage. Turbolasers last way longer than lasers (9 seconds instead of 2.7).
I could think that perhaps the original game prioritized lasers over turbolasers when the target was close enough if only because of performance reasons. The sorter the lifespan of a projectile, the sooner it disappears and the fewer CPU resources wasted on stray shots that aren't hitting anyone.
I wonder, in that case, if in game terms, "turbolasers" means "just like lasers, but they can shoot 360 degrees", and "superlasers" means "like turbolarses but lasts 9 seconds instead of 2.7".
In that case, the frigate would shoot with superlasers at targets between 1.2 and 4 km, and with turbolasers at targets up to 1.2 km.