Posted June 29, 2015

In X-Wing 1993, using an X-Wing starting from a fully stopped state (speed 0), going to full throttle (speed 100) in a balanced power configuration (maintenance level for shields and lasers) takes 20 seconds, i.e. a measured acceleration of 5 m/s.
I'm not sure if the power balance affects or should affect the pitch and roll ratings. I know in XvT and XWA the Throttle % did, but it didn't back in X-Wing and in TIE Fighter.
Even when that added a little bit more depth to the dogfight gameplay, I won't add that to XWVM, because I think it detracted from the overall personality of every ship if a Y-Wing could turn in a dime and face a much nimbler Interceptor.

Again, in X-Wing 1993, an X-Wing at speed 0, pitching directly up using the keyboard, takes approx 8 seconds to pitch 360 degrees, i.e. perform a full vertical loop in a static position.
In the same Speed 0 state, using the keyboard to steer right does seem to do a mix of yaw and roll, resulting in an arc that forms a rough circle if the origin position is 12 o'clock. However, I say rough circle because using input that is only the right key, the original position is not returned at 12 o'clock, but is instead a few degrees higher (i.e. origin y + ~5 degrees). I would speculate that this is due to inaccuracies / rounding errors in the original flight engine.
If the deviation respect to the 12 o'clock is of only 5 degrees, I agree with your assumption that it can be a precision artifact of the old 16-bit game.

X-wing Ship Editor Readme -
X-wing Ship Designer's Guide - (see page 34 and also Appendix A)
Hopefully this is of some help!
However, I knew those documents already, and they are quite useful, but still don't give explanations to the Power, roll and what units those stats use. I mean, I know that MGLT roughly equals m/s. And RU and SBD are equivalent, aboutish, only differing if it is hull hitpoints or shield hitpoints.
However, there is no explanation why the capital ships have RU and SBD ratings just above those of the smaller fighters, while they are much sturdier ingame.
Or what are the roll and pitch units? Degrees per second? Radians per second? Some other subdivision?
Also, the BFlight.Ovl clearly lists shield ratings for the fore and the aft sections of every ship. The value listed in those documents is the sum of both ratings.
But does the AI use fore and aft shields? Or they have a combined shield sum of both? Intuitively we could guess that they just keep both sections balanced, or they treat the shield value as a combined amount, specially once we got to see the remaining shield percentage in TIE Fighter (in X-Wing it was just "Ok", "Shields Down" and "Hull damaged").
If I may keep asking, are AI ships immune to AI fire? I mean, can a TIE Fighter fire thru another friendly TIE Fighter? I believe I have seen that happening. I also have seen that happening with rebel fighters flying in formation. However, I seem to be hit by my wingmen shots. Any of you have gathere some evidence of this?