Cyphox: is there a special reason you dont post a direct link to your thread? i included a link to it in the opening post, if thats not okay for you, please tell me.
gerwin79: Same thing, I don't want to be too direcly tied to modifing executables on >this< forum, harmless as it may be. but you go ahead. :)
great little fix - I've got it working no problem in X-Wing, but its a no-go for Tie Fighter for me.
I am using the modified exe from the stickied thread here, that restores the original music etc into tie fighter - all I need now is some bright person to combine the two mods so I can have the musical goodness along with my 3d-acceleration graphics...i'm presuming thats why its crashing as it enters the flight engine for Tie-Fighter anyways..
To be clear - modified Tie95.exe by Pete Jatz for the music fixes first.
Then tried the modified exe from this thread - get crashes..
Anyone out there willing to try ?