Paczyk: Hey guys,
The update went live yesterday on the server-side and the freezing issue is now solved.
However the multiplayer in general, although very much playable, is not yet where we would like it to be.
We are now working on an update that would address that. It is still too early to give an ETA, unfortunately, but we are doing everything we can to have it ready and tested as soon as possible.
Myself and a few others from the community who have stuck around throughout the Spy servers being shutdown are paying for dedicated Battlefront II servers which we would like to move to your master server. Can you give us any information regarding support for dedicated server software, either new or recompilling the old software to work with the new MS?
Dedicated servers would go a long, long way in providing good quality online play, as the ping for most players on self-host servers will make it unplayable, this has always been the case for BF2, its a 2005 game and the client side does very little when it comes to playing on a server, most all of it is server side which requires a grade of internet connection very few people at home will have and that is offered best by private rental companies - which me and my fellow community hosts use.
Myself and a couple of others are trying to get the old Server Manager 1.1 software working with your new master server but we'll have no luck if you guys have changed the protocols used to connect to it because none of us have the source code for that software.