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Version Number: 2.0.14
Date: March 18, 2024

This was a test version.

1. In the Orbital Display, when the Science/Scanners option is selected, the Description Box for the object in the Target Designator Box (TDB) will also show the orbital position of the object if it is a Krellan ship, UGA ship, or Orbital Fort (but not your escorts). The orbital position has the format "O:" that shows the orbit type ("H", "M", or "L" for High, Medium, or Low orbits respectively) followed by the position in that orbit ("P:"). The zero position for each orbit is at the bottom of the planet and increments in a CW direction.
2. This same orbital position format is now used in the TARGET DATA display when in orbit. The orbit type is replaced by the letter instead of the numbers 0, 1, 2 (high, medium, low).
3. In the Fleet Maintenance (login Fleet/Manager), the Service Record (SrvRcd) maintenance is now partially functional. You can list the Service Record which shows the values for each entry in the record along with its meaning. You can select [All] to view the entire Service Record file or you can select a player number to view the record for only that player. You can also select the Modify Option, which partially works. You first select the player whose record you want to modify (from the Fleet Personnel list), then select the entry you want to change. You will be prompted for the new value or just press [Enter] to leave it unchanged. There is an option [A] to look at the list of awards so you can determine the correct number corresponding to each award. Currently, only the initial screen of records can be shown in the Modify option ([PgDn] and [PgUp] don't work yet). In this version, any changes you make are not kept.


Version Number: 2.0.15
Date: April 8, 2024

This is a test version.


1. When trying to beam up your Landing Party (LP) from a planet with a base that has extra crew and shock troops, instead of just your selected Landing Parties beaming up, all the Krellan personnel on the planet beam up - FIXED
2. If there is a LP on a planet, then you are unable to use the Personnel Transfer in Teleporters to beam up personnel not in your LP - FIXED
3.Orbiting a planet with a base, Personnel Transfer will beam captives to the planet and doesn't allow personnel transfer - FIXED.
4. Took steps to reduce the possibility of getting system errors being reported from Engineering.
New patch today y'all!

Version Number: 2.0.16
Date: May 5, 2024

Only one minor fix.


1. When you are prompted for your player's name upon starting up and you just press [Enter] to look at the Fleet (players) List, it only allows you to view the list and not select the commander you want to play. It will now allow you to select that commander from the list and it will automatically be put into the name entry space, where you will then be prompted for the password. This just streamlines the entry process.