squid830: I also found a mysterious crate which looks like it was supposed to mysteriously appear at your hideout if you have pleased the mysterious Lodge enough…
fictrix: That's very strange, I haven't had any problems receiving that crate. After I successfully fulfill any 2 missions from The Lodge, the box has always appeared for me (on multiple playthroughs a few months ago on the 1.2.6 patch). It might be best to submit a bug report for that on the official SRR forums.
Really?! Then again, I did this way back, which must have been prior to 1.2.6, although I could have sworn it was with 1.2.6 since that patch was out for ages if I'm not mistaken. Either that or I simply didn't realise it was there - no one informs you about it, it's just sitting there, so it's entirely possible I just didn't notice it.
Does it pop up after ANY two missions from the Lodge have been fulfilled - by which I mean immediately after the second completed mission - or does it only appear after all missions with potential Lodge involvement are completed? I ask because I thought it was the latter since the gizmo from the Doc doesn't appear until after all the Schatten-thingo missions are over with - even if you've submitted two sets of data for those guys, I don't think you get the present until after you've completed the third mission (even though whether you submit more data or not at that point is irrelevant for the purposes of getting the gift).
fictrix: I am intrigued by the possibility of The Lodge finding out more about you in the Director's Cut as mentioned in
Dev Diary #1. I really hope this means that the 'Plex backstory that you feed Dietrich gets a follow-up from The Lodge.
Back on topic, they've revealed some new things about the combat mechanics:
Dev Diary #3: Combat Mechanics Loaning items to companions and revamped AI sounds very, very promising!
It does sound pretty cool - I'm impressed by the major revamp they're doing here! I can't really think of anything that they're doing to the game that I don't like (that probably being a massive understatement).
The idea of loaning items to characters is good - personally I'm not sure I would have really liked it if you could just change their gear as if it were your own. Sure most other RPGs do this, but it makes more sense for the other characters to buy their own stuff, yet at the same time have the ability to pass them some gear you pick up on the way (which you'd otherwise only sell if it's not suitable for your character).
I hope that we'll be able to "loan" these items during a mission, so that if we find a kick-ass spell/gun/etc we can just pass it to our buddies at the time. Unfortunately it doesn't sound like that will be possible...