wili_rovfar: Thanks for the help but still no luck, Uninstalled and changed location to C:games. tried the -w trick, no luck. Tried the notepad trick, got into the red baron file, no luck. Curious thing, intro ends and the game crashes, error says Red baron 2 single player has stopped working. Donwloaded this from GOG, which i thought was patched up. Any clues? Wili
Wailwulf: You can try this to see if it finds the problem. What it does is starts RB3D SP and records all the files that are looked for by the game. In most cases, the last file/files looked for is where the problem lies.
I uploaded this from my own RB3D files, as it seems to not be hosted at GabiLaser's filefront site anymore.
http://cid-e196374a237958b4.office.live.com/self.aspx/RBFILES/RBLogger.rar It was designed to help modders find out why their mods was crashing in the middle of a game, usually the game calling up a BMP that was misnamed or improper save format.
Ok, here is what the prograqm says
00000000 0.00000000 [3540] d:\baron.ico
00000001 0.00453107 [3540] \\.\DARKMONO.VXD
00000002 0.00455820 [3540] \\.\MONO
00000003 0.00626569 [3540] Data\Simpatch\tpref.dat
00000004 0.00634782 [3540] Data\Shellpat\tpref.dat
00000005 0.00642372 [3540] tpref.dat
00000006 0.00649522 [3540] Data\tpref.dat
00000007 0.00657258 [3540] Data\tpref.dat
00000008 0.03025674 [3540] .\data\rbprefs.dat
00000009 5.30521727 [3540] .\data\lowres.vol
00000010 5.30539942 [3540] .\data\lowres.vol
00000011 5.30556393 [3540] .\data\rb.vol
00000012 5.31860113 [3540] .\data\rbshell.vol
00000013 5.32701015 [3540] .\data\rbtest.vol
00000014 5.32718420 [3540] .\data\rbtest.vol
00000015 5.36192036 [3540] Data\Simpatch\click.wav
00000016 5.36210871 [3540] Data\Shellpat\click.wav
00000017 5.36464739 [3540] Data\Simpatch\pgturn1.wav
00000018 5.36481762 [3540] Data\Shellpat\pgturn1.wav
00000019 5.36643744 [3540] Data\Simpatch\pgturn2.wav
00000020 5.36660624 [3540] Data\Shellpat\pgturn2.wav
00000021 5.36890936 [3540] Data\Simpatch\bookcls1.wav
00000022 5.36907530 [3540] Data\Shellpat\bookcls1.wav
00000023 5.37360144 [3540] Data\Simpatch\bookcls2.wav
00000024 5.37377930 [3540] Data\Shellpat\bookcls2.wav
00000025 5.77458858 [3540] Data\Simpatch\cursors.pba
00000026 5.77505350 [3540] Data\Simpatch\cursors.pba
00000027 6.69275570 [3540] Data\Simpatch\title.bmp
00000028 6.69329214 [3540] Data\Shellpat\title.bmp
00000029 6.71635342 [3540] Data\Simpatch\rmmain.pba
00000030 6.71647501 [3540] Data\Shellpat\rmmain.pba
00000031 6.73003149 [3540] Data\Simpatch\title.pal
00000032 6.73420191 [3540] Data\Shellpat\title.pal
00000033 6.73871899 [3540] Data\Simpatch\rmmain.pft
00000034 6.73878193 [3540] Data\Shellpat\rmmain.pft
00000035 6.74327183 [3540] Data\Simpatch\rmmain.dat
00000036 6.74335480 [3540] Data\Shellpat\rmmain.dat
00000037 6.74377871 [3540] shellsnd\menu2.wav
00000038 6.75365782 [3540] shellsnd\menu1.wav
Thanks again for all your help Wili