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Berzerk2k2: So some days ago I was in the chat of the German Bethesda Twitch channel and mentioned this problem. Someone from their community team was so kind to forward this to the Bethesda sales team. I told them the whole story and also gave them the link for this thread so they where able to see the official announcement. A bit later I got a reply and they told me that nobody had any info about the Enhanced version being finalised for a GOG release. SmollestLight lied to us.
Interesting, if this is true then GOG owes us an explanation on how this severe miscommunication happened.
low rated
Neurus_Ex: Don't fall for it, and don't double dip. Just not dip anymore on ID/Bethesda stuff.
ROCKMAN_77: I got it on Epic on their end of year sale for less than $3. It's a neat package the graphic update and the new levels and enemies are worth getting it again, specially on discount.
Three bucks? VERY nice!
Berzerk2k2: So some days ago I was in the chat of the German Bethesda Twitch channel and mentioned this problem. Someone from their community team was so kind to forward this to the Bethesda sales team. I told them the whole story and also gave them the link for this thread so they where able to see the official announcement. A bit later I got a reply and they told me that nobody had any info about the Enhanced version being finalised for a GOG release. SmollestLight lied to us.
If this is indeed true, then I'd say a round of explanations are in order, but this is hardly the first time GOG has BS'd us and then given us radio silence.
low rated
If that is indeed the case, then people holding out have really only two options: Swallow your pride and get it on one of the many platforms it's available for, or stick to your guns and go without. Continuing to lament in the forums that you're not getting it, isn't gonna change anything.
zerodin: Continuing to lament in the forums that you're not getting it, isn't gonna change anything.
Then why would you care if we are still talking about it here?

Btw, they added Underdark Overbright & Copper to the free addons list:

Which should be this map pack at Quaddicted:

At least the free mods are still free. Not that this is the first time Bethesda would try to screw on us with paid mod content.
Post edited February 10, 2022 by Neurus_Ex
Berzerk2k2: SmollestLight lied to us.
Not that this surprises me in any way at all, but the fact of the matter is that - now that Bethesda is now aware of the issue - they could just get their asses in gear and start working on a goddamn gog version. And somehow I doubt that will happen.
fronzelneekburm: Not that this surprises me in any way at all, but the fact of the matter is that - now that Bethesda is now aware of the issue - they could just get their asses in gear and start working on a goddamn gog version. And somehow I doubt that will happen.
I don't see it happen anytime soon too. They just love their stupid Bethesda login crap too much and won't get rid of it for a GOG version.
Post edited February 11, 2022 by Berzerk2k2
fronzelneekburm: Not that this surprises me in any way at all, but the fact of the matter is that - now that Bethesda is now aware of the issue - they could just get their asses in gear and start working on a goddamn gog version. And somehow I doubt that will happen.
Berzerk2k2: I don't see it happen anytime soon too. They just love their stupid Bethesda login crap too much and won't get rid of it for a GOG version.
Bethesda login it's optional. I didn't login the play all the single player content, it makes sense that you will need some validation to use their servers for multi player dm and coop.

I have used my version even on Linux with heroic launcher, so I'm skipping both epics launcher and Beth login.
Yes, you ok with that optionla login. Im OK. But look at Hitman release reaction: Optional login? DRM!!!111.
Im not sure if GOG dont want this happen again, bethesda dont want making it "more DRM-free" - or both factors - but i dont believe this release come to GOG.

I wonder, how will react peole who already bought Quake here? As i see it, most winy for Hitman release is from them who dont buy Hitman, right? its not age related for sure.
Can we all admit that skippable launcher and probably changing link is still optional and OK things? Or we will blame GOG that release is not "usual" (ofc it never like that) one-click offline laucnching? Even if we need just change exe target in desktop link to completely bypass launcher or press Skip in it if launcher pop-up is be OK.

I think most ppl still will blame GOG if remake come here with optional launcher. Moreover this is Bethesda. But usually instead of blaming publisher it again GOG\Steam who always bad guys here.

(Real DRM is still on Store, still really shouldnt be there, but at least - it not a game content. Its official digital game guide and additional interactive map for it as DLC for it. DLC not for game. And since this is not for game - it shouldnt be on store. But just cause of DRM.)
Post edited February 16, 2022 by QWEEDDYZ
QWEEDDYZ: But look at Hitman release reaction: Optional login? DRM!!!111.
You have no clue of how the Hitman online functionality works, do you?

People were advertised something and is not getting it. IMHO, if I can play the game single player full feature with no logins, that's fair play. Online modes usually need login to crappy services, I'd rather have a LAN mode or something like that, but getting older means having less and less options to play online with buddies, so whatever.

Everything else is just filler.
Btw. is there currently a source port which can play the latest episode from the enhanced version with all bells and whistles? I now it is playable but i think there are still missing parts like the shadows or so...
Post edited February 17, 2022 by Genericjohndoe
QWEEDDYZ: But look at Hitman release reaction: Optional login? DRM!!!111.
Neurus_Ex: You have no clue of how the Hitman online functionality works, do you?
Works in 1.0 steam release, latest Steam version or in GOG release? Hitman optional content is not like Q.E - it really require account to play, not just install. But still Hitman become more DRM-free than steam release and account not really required. Words "most content of the game" is not true - it from anti-DRM expression. Overreacting. Half-true.

Shouldnt be any accounts in SP game? Well, im agree. Be ready to say it to Bethesda launcher if it come in GOG release as optional thing. Or not come, if Bethesda not ready to get whine about that accounts-launchers. In any way, even with fact that everything can be played offline - someone really will blame GOG+Bethesda or only GOG for that release. Someone can call GOGs versions DRM just for custom innosetup builds. Not related to game at all.
You agree that this whine will happen? Even when game can be started by another drm-free exe bypassed launcher. Ppl too much dumpers. They cant do anything except clicking on desktop links. if there is some configurators in game folder - they never find out that. Change link to quake.exe is too much for them. Even click "Skip" in launcher is too much for them. And as result they will blame GOG.
And then tjey go to forums and overreacting about partially present optional DRM as HALF of the SP content require account!
Post edited February 17, 2022 by QWEEDDYZ
Unless Bethesda is willing to release a version that divorces it from their login system. I doubt GOG is getting the remaster, as the login system is technically DRM, as you have to have it to download the free addons.
Post edited February 17, 2022 by zerodin
Neurus_Ex: You have no clue of how the Hitman online functionality works, do you?
QWEEDDYZ: Works in 1.0 steam release, latest Steam version or in GOG release? Hitman optional content is not like Q.E - it really require account to play, not just install. But still Hitman become more DRM-free than steam release and account not really required. Words "most content of the game" is true - it from anti-DRM expression. Overreacting. Half-true.
I'm talking how it works "in general", as it works the same on all platforms. You can "play the game" without an account, but progression is linked to your online profile, so if you don't have connection, you don't have progression, and if you don't have progression, you don't have, like, 90% of the game, as its main point is to allow the player replay the same missions with different rules (starting points, disguises, equipment, way to kill your targets, etc). There's even a thing called escalation contracts where you are tasked to kill some random NPC with a specific set of rules (not being disguised, using a shotgun, not hiding your handgun), then the difficulty ramps up.

The Hitman games are a BRILLIANT set of titles that were totally disgraced by their always online (Because if you get disconnected during play, you are thrown to the main menu) DRM.

[...] someone really will blame GOG+Bethesda or only GOG for that release. [...]
I've said it before and I'll say again: I'm blaming Bethesda for not taking into account this store after dumping their titles, and will not be getting anything for else (A pity, because I'm a huge Arkane fan, but it looks Deathloop comes with online stuff too), and I'm blaming GoG for lying to us in this thread and not come up and say at least "wops, we fucked up."

(Your English is a bit spotty, so sorry if I'm not getting where you are going to. Not trying to discredit you or anything -English is neither my first language and all of us have to learn- but just to point that if something I'm saying does not make sense, is because I did not understood you).

Genericjohndoe: Btw. is there currently a source port which can play the latest episode from the enhanced version with all bells and whistles? I now it is playable but i think there are still missing parts like the shadows or so...
The ports can run the new campaigns, but, as you say, the shadows are not available because most ports have no dynamic lights (and are not planning on it). I haven't checked Darkplaces (which has had dynamic lighting since forever), but my guess is that you could run the new campaigns no problem.

I've seen tutorials around on using the new weapon and monster models in stuff like Quakespasm Spiked, although I like more the stuff done by fans at least for weapons.
Post edited February 17, 2022 by Neurus_Ex
Berzerk2k2: A bit later I got a reply and they told me that nobody had any info about the Enhanced version being finalised for a GOG release. SmollestLight lied to us.
You're shitting me. Really? This, on top of their refusal to package their own WINE and develop a Linux client of Galaxy just...

I'm boycotting CD Projekt Red.