Posted August 07, 2024
Crytime.504: Anything I copy and paste doesn't work with any of them. The graphics are the same crap as default :(
(Finally working...)
But I still don't understand why they didn't fix it in the game if it's a known fact
infradeath: yeah, it needs to be patched. (Finally working...)
But I still don't understand why they didn't fix it in the game if it's a known fact
you can also create or edit autoexec.cfg in the /q4base folder where quake4config.cfg resides - or - just paste the tweaks into the autoexec.cfg.
in autoexec.cfg at the end add the line "exec tweaks.cfg".
seta sys_lang "english"
exec tweaks.cfg
then create a file by the name of tweaks.cfg, paste the tweaks and place it in the same directory.
when q4 launches it will execute autoexec.cfg and then tweaks.cfg.
ive added a echo "tweaks loaded" at the end for confirmation.
when the tweaks have been loaded typ "vid_restart" to restart the game and apply all changes.
seta s_useOcclusion "1"
seta s_clipVolumes "1"
seta r_skipSky "0"
seta r_forceAmbient "0"
seta r_forceLoadImages "0"
seta r_shadows "1"
seta r_useSMP "0"
seta r_skipBump "0"
seta r_skipSpecular "0"
seta r_skipNewAmbient "0"
seta r_skipUpdates "0"
seta r_skipDeforms "0"
seta r_skipFogLights "0"
seta r_skipTranslucent "0"
seta r_skipDiffuse "0"
seta r_skipInteractions "0"
seta r_skipMegaTexture "0"
seta r_skipGuiShaders "0"
seta r_useShadowCulling "1"
seta r_useLightCulling "3"
seta r_useCulling "2"
seta r_ignoreGLErrors "1"
seta r_znear "3"
seta r_useInfiniteFarZ "1"
seta r_useStateCaching "1"
seta r_useIndexBuffers "0"
seta r_useVertexBuffers "1"
seta r_useCachedDynamicModels "1"
seta r_useTwoSidedStencil "1"
seta r_useTurboShadow "1"
seta r_useShadowVertexProgram "1"
seta r_useShadowProjectedCull "1"
seta r_useTripleTextureARB "1"
seta r_useConstantMaterials "1"
seta r_useLightPortalFlow "1"
seta r_renderer "arb2"
seta r_swapInterval "1"
seta r_alphaToCoverage "1"
seta r_multiSamples "16"
seta r_usePreciseTriangleInteractions "1"
seta r_useFastSkinning "1"
seta image_downSizeLimit "8192"
seta image_ignoreHighQuality "0"
seta image_downSizeBumpLimit "8192"
seta image_downSizeSpecularLimit "8192"
seta image_downSizeBump "1"
seta image_downSizeSpecular "1"
seta image_useCache "1"
seta image_cacheMegs "4096"
seta image_cacheMinK "1"
seta image_usePrecompressedTextures "1"
seta image_useNormalCompressionLoadDDSForPal "1"
seta image_useNormalCompression "2"
seta image_useAllFormats "1"
seta image_useCompression "1"
seta image_preload "1"
seta image_downSize "1"
seta image_lodbias "0"
seta image_anisotropy "16"
seta image_filter "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR"
//(note: cm is correct.)
seta cm_backFaceCull "1"
seta com_fixedTic "0"
seta r_orderIndexes "1"
seta r_usePortals "1"
seta r_useOptimizedShadows "1"
seta com_videoRam "-1"
seta com_showFPS "1"
seta com_allowConsole "1"
seta com_purgeAll "1"
seta com_machineSpec "3"
seta g_gunViewStyle "0"
seta g_brassTime "2"
seta g_showProjectilePct "0"
seta g_showHud "1"
seta g_simpleItems "0"
seta g_showPlayerShadow "0"
seta g_decals "1"
seta g_doubleVision "1"
seta g_projectileLights "1"
seta g_muzzleFlash "1"
seta g_perfTest_aiNoRagdoll "0"
seta g_perfTest_weaponNoFX "0"
seta g_skipViewEffects "0"
seta g_skipFX "0"
seta g_skipParticles "0"
seta r_jitter "0"
echo "tweaks loaded"
Will it work if I just paste below the english, all form use occlusion to jitter "0" ? Or do I also need to paste the tweaks loaded in that same cfg file?
The patch version mentions 1.4.3. I want the maxed gfx and at 1080p. Eveytime the resolution resets :(