lol, funny you should mention duckies... i always grab them when i find them, even made a pond in one of my forts so they could swim around......
cant find a spiffo this time around. boo
well, I made it to another city, not sure which one, its by the ocean. the trip was a bit iffy, days long walk, made it to some isolated buildings around dusk each nite so didnt have to camp outside which is a relief, eventually found the cabin by the lake with the wood stove, yey. (nothin more creepy than pushing thru dense woods as nite falls)
decided to go into town proper to look for recipes but man oh man is it horded up. found the gennie and snare trap recipes pretty quick but im pondering whether to continue on for the desired box crate trap recipe and bomb ones which i like, but frankly its so full of zees its not nice at all, my char is having regular nitemares. prob will just split, look in whatever shed is on my way out of town then recoup by the lake for a day or so. then its the long haul back. I did try to kill as many zees on the trip as i could but fatigue hit me hard and i had to sneak by many near end of day so the trip back will not be easy loaded down with wt and with fatigue. total trip time will prob be 2 weeks as im setting up safe houses along the way in case i need to skeedaddle.
but having indoor heating during winter snows will be much nicer if i can get that stove back and it doesnt glitch out when set up. its almost december. brrrr
Winter is Coming...... :P
gotta love this game eh