FlockeSchnee: Hello and thank you for this great game.
I'm playing the story and I can't progress in the Side Quest "Towards the Nomadic Citadel - So close and yet so far" (the second fight of that quest) because the game keeps crashing on the character placement screen. The weird thing is, it only crashes, when the mouse cursor gets near any character portrait. I tested this. I started the quest fight, waited 5 minutes, nothing happend. Then I moved the mouse cursor onto Elae or one of the greyed out ones and the game crashes. I get this error message:
Assertion failed: Index>=0 && Index<NumBits [File:d:/unreal engine\engine\source\runtime\core\public\Containers/BitArray.h] [Line: 575]
If you need more information, please let me know.
Hi, thank you for a report! This bug is connected with the change of a camera position. This should be patched soon, I am sorry for the inconvenience!